I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A very warm summer night..and I am mad.

It is Friday and I am ok with it. It is warm, very warm and so I sit by the window to catch some breeze and I get on the infobahn (please do not say surf the net, it is so 90's!).
DISCLAIMER : What I am about to write about are my own personal opinions and not attack on one single person, country or group of people. And the last time I checkec, I am still entitled to express my opinion on my blog. So warning - if you do not like what I am about to write here - CAN IT!
As usual old habits kick in when I am in front of my computer. I Google some words and BAM! I caught a good blog topic. And listen to this, someone in Argentina complaining about corruption in the "the good old USA" her words not mine. From the gist of it, I take it she is in Argentina - she marvels the pristine state of affairs there I guess that she was ranting and raving about computer software and how she/her partner is about to be duped by "scumbag #1 and #2" again her choice of words, not mine. Does she know what she is talking about, corruption is EVERY-frikin-where. And just because is now card carrying resident of Argentina she waves that card and disses USA? WTF?!
I mean talk about the guys that lie to you, like you always do, and how great your friends are in there...but pickin' on the US just because 2 people want to scam you does not constitute fairness and sound mind, now, does it?
What about if I start lambasting Mexico and how rude the people are just because 2 guys cut me off the freeway - is that fair, is that sound? Now give me a break. I am starting to think that those that left the US are ...what is the word I am looking for ...BITTER!!!! You know who you are.
There are people here in the "good old USA" that are barely making it, just like in Argentina. There are corrupt people there in Argentina just like there are here in the US, but to exhalt your "adopted' country in exchange of the USA is - a stretch now isn't it?
It is sad really when a professed intelligent woman gets carried away by her emotions and starts putting down a country like the US of A (the 10th wealthiest country in the world in 2009). I wonder when was the last time you bagged some of your clothes and money to give to those that need them - holier than thou you are.
People get on their blog and talk smack about the USA. Give me a break! Have you looked at the lines at every US Embassy anywhere in the world, people are lining up to enter this 'good old US of A'. I wonder why....to get corrupt I guess right?
Wow, when the cold weather starts freezin' ya brain out, it must be really cold down there for this person to talk like everyone in the US is corrupt. And do not get me riled up coz dammit it is hot in here and I am about ready to explode when someone talks smack about the US.
You are happy in Argentina - good for you. But to talk trash about the US, you watch out you might just be on a list when you try to enter the US one of these days - and for that I wish you - good luck.
Glad I got that off my chest.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nail Polish

One would think ...why such mandane choice of topic (Nail Polish) right? But hear this....when one finds something other women get jealous about - we (I really) stick it to them and stick it to them hard (stick your tongue out here).
Since having declared myself single (as R would agree wholeheartedly!) and out there, I have taken a liking to painting my nails with the most outrageous, bright and hot colors (the more sheen the better) nail polish can provide. Listen, I have decided I am not into the flaunt that cleavage deal (got them - and they are real) nor am I ever going to wear short, tight and tucked short skirts or anything like that. I also decided bright and flashy blue eyeshadow is out and so is using Russian Red lipstick so that leaves me with nails - nail polish to be exact.
Colors like Talk to Me, Gorgeous, Big Red Apple and the likes are really my new love. The brighter the blue, the redder the red, the lucious purple and the outlandish green are beautiful!
And here is the best part, since I started painting my nails ( I have real and decent length) these colors, I get compliments from both man and women. I even had a woman who was driving in another car next to me - motion what great nail color I had - now how is that for compliment. I mean green is the new red ladies.
Your imagination is the only thing that would limit you in this regard, and I love the attention. Guys take a second look when I point at something and I have - damn girl - purple nails. You gotta love it!
But today in honor of keeping it real as well, I have my nails painted - PINK - soft and cute pink. Tomorrow....who knows...I thought that Mango Orange was also attractive - gotta give that a try.
Nail Polish can really help you paint the town RED.
See ya...
Southern California si HOT but it has always been...love it.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Five ingredients..

I am seriously considering making this into a foodie blog...NOT!
But today, as I was in search of the newest flavor out there in ice creams...I think I have moved a step closer to naming a favorite.
Welcome to my review of Haagan -Dazs FIVE.
So there I was at the grocery and as always my last stop before heading to the self-checkout part of the store - the ICE CREAM section. You know the rhyme...you scream, I scream, we all scream for Ice Cream! So there I was, oogling over the newest flavors between Ben and Jerry's and Haagan-Dazs. I love B 'n J, do not get me wrong - but I wanted something NEW-er! A few days ago I got the B 'n J Green Tea ice cream and it is as always delicious and glorious as I remembered it but my insatiable need for something else prevailed - thus the FIVE!
FIVE stands for the basic ingredients in the Haagan Dazs new line of ice cream, it is 4 main ingredients PLUS the fruit/flavor (in my case Passion Fruit - LOVE!!). The packaging was simple (white with gold letters), very classic in text and the picture of passion fruit is just perfect (a half of a fruit on the lower right hand side of the front portion of the pint container) red peel with the yellow with black center seeds. Lucious even, I dare add.
I had to wait until after dinner to have a nice 1/2 a bowl of it. I got the ice cream mid morning, in case you were wondering. I wanted something special for dessert after dinner.
So after opening, the pint was full to the brim and it smelled reallly goood...scoop after scoop I placed some unto my bowl and then without further ado I took my first teaspoonful taste. Man oh man, the texture was smooth. I can taste the passion fruit (tart, tangy a bit but still creamy smooth with a tinge of sugar), I can smell the citrusy fruit even - the milk was of very good quality and the sugar was just right (not too sweet - we hate ice cream that is just loaded with sugar!)
Milk + cream+ sugar+ egg PLUS flavor - simple ingredients but one of the best ice creams I have tasted so far, okay, ever.
FIVE comes in 7 various flavors (vanilla bean, passion fruit, brown sugar, coffee, ginger, milk chocolate, mint).
R, these babies are very good. Much better than Persicco's and getting up there to Munchi's quality. Argentina's got very good ice cream but I think Haagan Dazs is catching up with this line and fast.
They were on sale for $3.99 a pint but well worth the price, it was that good. And by the looks of what was left on the freezer shelves these are popular items on a hot or a humid summer day like today.
Ice cream - who doesn't love them huh? It always brings a smile to one's face but today I had a big grin on mine.
R, this would be on your list next time you visit. It ain't Munchi's yet - but one I am happy to see some progress in the ice cream indulgence section of my grocery store. On that sweet note, I say Haagan Dazs gets my vote on this new FIVE ! Summer and ice cream what could be better than that?!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

California is good...

Okay, i give you it is HOT in Southern California but I can feel the love. And honestly, I take love anytime!
Here I am 8 days after my last post. Things have been buzzing and I was busy as a bee. There were stuff to do. R visited you know and things can move pretty fast when you are on someone else's schedule and disposal.
Please do not get me wrong I was more than happy to help a friend. The drives were no problem, I love driving in California. It is good!
Food has been very, very good. I mean Japanese food any chance we get. Bento boxes, fresh sushi for lunch (tuna, cucumber and salmon with avocado), some goddamn good Colorado beer (I cannot say here because then I have to you know...killya..) in a hot summer's night, some real stuff sake, mexican food, fish taco with guac...., japanese crackers, I mean good stuff! Oh and the pizza with salad and garlic bread - man!
So here I am now winding down. As I sit here and sip my organic green tea, I think friends with R was a good move, no demands and no expectations. In short I cannot make a mistake in this kind of a relationship, it is just pure and clean on my part, and friends are always a very good thing to have in life.
R and I got to talk some and for anything else, he knows (God I hope he does) that I will always be there for him and will always love him but I cannot make demands of him anymore and I am okay with that. We are better than we ever were - like he said - one cannot have the cake and eat it too. How true, how true! And on that note, I say THANK YOU R for giving me yet the chance to show you that I can be a very good friend.
Smiles from Southern California and if you are reading this before the weekend, Sorry but I must go to the japanese food court before the weekend - just got that edamame craving. :-) Cheers!
See you guys later!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Top 9 reasons Buenos Aires is not for you..

Number 9: You cannot get over the fact that there are "dogs" all over the sidewalks of BsAs.
Number 8: You must have a medialuna each time you pass by a confiteria
Number 7 : You are sick and tired on the shortage of coins
Number 6: You always ask for "but where is the cottage cheese?"
Number 5 : You have the most conversation you have with yourself when you are driving the PanAmericana.
Number 4: "What do you mean there is no tuna rolls?"
Number 3 : Rats! No parking, again!
Number 2 : You go to Munchi's everytime you feel unloved.
Number 1 reason Buenos Aires is not for you....You miss Mitsuwa and Nijiya every time weekend comes around.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Back in California

Phew! It is sweltering hot in California. I am presently enjoying the oh-so-d'lish japanese food in California, my cold beer, my chips but boy oh boy - it is hot in here!
Well, I am finally back in California. There were phonecalls to make, people to see,things to do and food to enjoy - but so far so good. I sleep well at night with an open window mind you, but all is well.
Snapples and Green tea are my main drink and Aquafina is never too far away either. California is good.
Some serious cleaning needs to be done around the house but I think I will have someone else do that this Friday - all set and scheduled as a matter of fact, THANKS Missy!
Walmart is as always a good place to pass time. You would not believe how much fun I had looking for cleaning supplies. I love Walmart!
This week went by so fast, I got here on the 4th and my days are packed with lots of things TO DO.
There were some changes that I had to adapt to like my hairstylist moved coz the place she worked for had a major fire and they had to close. I called her on her cell phone and scheduled a hairtrim. She now works for a very nice salon. good location really. My japanese restaurant of choice that was next to the salon was also closed for a few weeks due to smoke damage, so now I have to make the drive to an alternative japanese food joint. Oh well the things we have to do to get what we crave.
I am trying to adjust to some changes here at home as well, but I am taking it one day at a time, makes it more manageable that way. :-)
I have friends to call this weekend to say HI to. Hopefully a nice dinner or weekend get together would be great.
Just wanted to tell everyone who follow me here that I am now in phew-it-is-hot in California! But I am loving it!
Have a safe weekend everyone!
Go Sotomayor! Girl power! She rock!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I leave Argentina on Monday...and others

After 2 more nights, I will be leaving Argentina. I do not know if I should feel sad but I know that R and I are doing the right thing. There is the element of the unknown and after years of planning my life toooo much, I have the opportunity to do what is right for this moment and this moment alone. There is the adventure excitement in that.
I knew I will never be able to put things in 100% order before I leave but I am again grateful that R will help me sort some or most of what is left behind so they will get to my final destination (namely 10 boxes).
The city abode in BsAs will need a good cleaning and stuff have to be taken to where the rest of the boxes are - but there is just no time or was there ever a convenient time to do this (remember the heater fiasco!) well...again I am so grateful R will sort this end for me. Thanks a million R!
Last night the gang of 3 (me included) went to the Barrio Chino to have a nice Chinese dinner, I love that place, good food too.
And as soon as I got home I checked my emails and found out that an ex-president of the Philippines, Corazon Cojuangco-Aquino passed away. She was battling colon cancer. I have some very vivid memories of what she meant to me and the symbol of hope and change for the Philippines after the tumultous 70's and 80's. The first time I voted was when she was running against Marcos. She won. The social activist in me was sparked by her words and I believe I was ever the same "princess" again after those last years in college. It was a social awareness awakening that I will treasure forever. I do not know her personally and there are some rumors about discontent in her haciendas in Tarlac, but for today I would like to think of one of the few people who have helped influence the person that I am today. She brought the country together (the Philippines) when they needed it the most. For that, she had lived up to the dream (for awhile) of her late husband Ninoy Aquino. Rest in Peace Cory and thank you for caring for the Pinoys! You are in better hands now....

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue