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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A very warm summer night..and I am mad.

It is Friday and I am ok with it. It is warm, very warm and so I sit by the window to catch some breeze and I get on the infobahn (please do not say surf the net, it is so 90's!).
DISCLAIMER : What I am about to write about are my own personal opinions and not attack on one single person, country or group of people. And the last time I checkec, I am still entitled to express my opinion on my blog. So warning - if you do not like what I am about to write here - CAN IT!
As usual old habits kick in when I am in front of my computer. I Google some words and BAM! I caught a good blog topic. And listen to this, someone in Argentina complaining about corruption in the "the good old USA" her words not mine. From the gist of it, I take it she is in Argentina - she marvels the pristine state of affairs there I guess that she was ranting and raving about computer software and how she/her partner is about to be duped by "scumbag #1 and #2" again her choice of words, not mine. Does she know what she is talking about, corruption is EVERY-frikin-where. And just because is now card carrying resident of Argentina she waves that card and disses USA? WTF?!
I mean talk about the guys that lie to you, like you always do, and how great your friends are in there...but pickin' on the US just because 2 people want to scam you does not constitute fairness and sound mind, now, does it?
What about if I start lambasting Mexico and how rude the people are just because 2 guys cut me off the freeway - is that fair, is that sound? Now give me a break. I am starting to think that those that left the US are ...what is the word I am looking for ...BITTER!!!! You know who you are.
There are people here in the "good old USA" that are barely making it, just like in Argentina. There are corrupt people there in Argentina just like there are here in the US, but to exhalt your "adopted' country in exchange of the USA is - a stretch now isn't it?
It is sad really when a professed intelligent woman gets carried away by her emotions and starts putting down a country like the US of A (the 10th wealthiest country in the world in 2009). I wonder when was the last time you bagged some of your clothes and money to give to those that need them - holier than thou you are.
People get on their blog and talk smack about the USA. Give me a break! Have you looked at the lines at every US Embassy anywhere in the world, people are lining up to enter this 'good old US of A'. I wonder why....to get corrupt I guess right?
Wow, when the cold weather starts freezin' ya brain out, it must be really cold down there for this person to talk like everyone in the US is corrupt. And do not get me riled up coz dammit it is hot in here and I am about ready to explode when someone talks smack about the US.
You are happy in Argentina - good for you. But to talk trash about the US, you watch out you might just be on a list when you try to enter the US one of these days - and for that I wish you - good luck.
Glad I got that off my chest.

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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