I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Day at the Spa

Lately, I have been feeling like my chakras have been out of whack. Tell tale signs of these are the sudden blemishes on my skin, my hair feels dull or falling out and I get irked so easily and not even time in front of the mirror can please me. So off I go to my....hairstylist and colorist.

I used to have one of each, a hairstylist that strictly just cuts my hair and I had a colorist that only does colors and color consulting for me. The reason I had for doing it this way was - if my house needed electrical work, I call an electrician and if I need some carpentry work done - yup - I call a carpenter. It is logical to get the right person with training for a particular job need, right? That was my line of thought until I met -my Mary.

She is the best thing that happened to me since sliced bread, really and cross my heart. Pinky swear!!

She has done wonders to my hair. I am capable of damaging my hair in every conceivable way and she fixes it. And I have done some atrocious things to my hair in the past. Now my hair is under her exclusive and exquisite care. I listen to her give the Sermon on the Mount on what I am doing wrong with it, how I should care for my hair, how to and not to expose it to too much heat and sun, hot oil treatment every weekends and how often to shampoo, conditioner, etc. etc. etc. And I listen to this just for a haircut!

Well today, I need more..a whole lot more. I decided to have some color and highlights to get myself ready for summertime - we always have a great time doing something to my hair every summer time. It is our time to explore and think outside the box, so to speak. And because of that I was at the Spa/salon for a longer time. And the best thing about all these beauty pampering is I get free "therapy session". No, Mary is not a psychologist either - she is just a good listener. As my hairstylist she knows how my personal life is going by the present state my hair is in. I talk to her, she listens. And I talk some more and she listens. She never really gives me concrete advise - which I like but she listens and that I like. She tells me what I tell her and often times I just make more of an issue that it really is - DIVA behaviour 101. So I get to see how intense I am sometimes and she shows me the error of my ways without throwing it back to my face. Subtle but effective. You gotta love this woman. She reads me like - not like a book, nor by the lines on the palm of my hand but by my hair. How fantastic is that? If I am happy in my love life - my hair has lustre, she says. If I am not so happy - my hair is dull! BINGO!! Give the girl a prize. I know she is right, even my chackras know it. Out of balance = out of whack.

Well after several hours of doing the hair coloring, blow drying and flat ironing, I felt better already. She truly cares about her clientele and I like that. I have now been going to her for years.

She always firmly but politely tells me what hairstyle would and would not work for my face shape and lifestyle, that is the bairstylist quality I like about her. She is a sweetie. She always offers me bottled water and that at the right temperature that I want it to be. Talk about service.

When she shampoos my hair she uses the right product so my scalp does not itch nor will cause it to dry and has color protectant, I am sensitive to harsh chemicals. She conditions my hair with a good massage and the water temperature is always perfect. She knows what I like. And last but not the least she gives me a very good towel to dry my hair, I am particular about that. She works at a Spa Salon that is immaculately clean and well kept. The restroom is so spacious and utterly stain free, it smells good in there too. Everything about this Spa is top-knotch. Service is so above the even higher standard ones that I cannot imagine going to any where else -Mary knows what I need and that is all that matters to The Ultimate Diva. I know I am high maintenance and this will not change anytime soon. My best thoughts are created when I am being pampered.

Just to give you the degree of what role Mary has in my life, the day before I came back to the US from a three-week trip to South America and my hair was a mess after the harsh weather changes, the change in diet, the plane temperature and stress, I made a phone call to her to make an appointment for right after I got home from the airport.

My hair is my crowning glory. And as The Ultimate Diva, my hair is very important to me. I spend at least 3/4 of an hour preparing it should I be going out with friends.

After the intensive haircare, I walk to my car and I feel 100% better already. I think a day at the Spa with a haircare provider who help lift not just my hair do but my spirits as well can do wonders to my world. My next appointment is middle of next month. Well wait and see if any thing has changed in my personal life by then.

My hair looks and feels great for now, by the way. It has the lustre, silky smooth, with volume and shape, and movement that I needed. I just have to work on that peace and beauty on the inside to exude peace and beauty in the outside thing. I should be fine in another day.

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue