I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


I deem it appropriate that being The Ultimate Diva that I am that my first official post on Another Day will be about a topic closest to my heart...shoes.

My love affair with shoes started really early on. I remember the first ones I wore when I attended my first flowergirl gig for my uncle's wedding. They were white mary- jane type shoes with a silver snaps. I wore them with white socks that were lined with white laces.

I remember my first communion shoes, those were the first ones my mother and I shopped together for. And every start of the school year, there was nothing more exciting for me than looking for those black leather shoes - Hmmm... those were the days.

As the years progressed of course, my taste in shoes just got higher, in heel height I mean. When I was in college, I only wore high heel shoes that were 3 inches, no lower. I believed that the high heels made your ankles look slender, I actually still believe that. It also helps raise one's buttocks, it gives it a lift like no other.

Each special occasion of my life I remember what shoes I was wearing. I am just silly that way.

Today, I went to my favorite shoe purveyor. I only buy shoes that I fall in love with. A pair or pairs that I know I simply MUST HAVE. Today I saw one, black high heels designer shoes, fits like a glove and my toes are happy and yes it is 3 1/2 inches high, lower than what I have been wearing lately but summer is here and they will go very well with the 3 skirts I also got today.
I found it in record time too - it clocked in a little over an hour after I walked in the store. That is a record for me. Looking for shoes can take hours - but I felt lucky today. And I was!
I do not fall in love so easily but good shoes always please me. There is nothing like a pair of well made, good looking and luxurious pair of heels. Shoes completes the ensemble so to speak. Good purse, yes; great make up, yes but killer shoes - OH YEAH!

I had fun today - any day one can find a wonderful pair of shoes - is indeed a very good day.
I think I will wear this particular pair of shoes to a dinner party tonight.

Now, at this stage in my life, each day is a day to celebrate so no special occasion needed for me to remember the shoes I wear. A nice cup of coffee with a close friend is a reason to celebrate - and that deserves a good pair of fabulous shoes too. So whenever I can, I slip them babies on and I have a good time with it. That is my shoe story.

Shoe shopping is never the retail therapy for me - for that is reserved for jewelry.

Happy shoe shopping Ladies! And good luck.
The Ultimate Diva

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue