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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Electronic Stores and Boys

I spent a portion of my day at an electronic store yesterday. I am not sure what to make of that occurence since electronics store are not exactly (or ever, that I can remember) on the top of my TO DO list.

There were no more than usual crowd at the electronic store considering yesterday being Father's Day and all.

Having said that.. I concluded that I only go to this particular electronic store - a major gargantumongous electronics store in Southern California - because the boys in my life love going there, but I am starting to like going there as well - oh, pawleezz, do not get me wrong. The store neither have a make up counter there nor jewelry section in there.

But it is a perfect place to see grown men act like boys.... they drool over the latest softwares, you could sense increase in pulse rates and heart beats when they have on their hand recently released video games and they get animated upon seeing a great deal on a 2GB memory card, not to mention ON SALE items like mother boards, video game consoles, larger than their living room PLASMA TV. These things can actually bring hints of twinkles in their eyes not last seen by the women in their lives since - OK - like never!

This particular electronic store not just huge but the selection on one item is endless and mind boggling to say the least. Grown men acting like little boys let loose in a toy store. Well, they are in a toy store! It is just that toys here cost in the hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars.
The excitement is too much for some and the increase on testosterone level, a tinge of adrenaline and a touch of euphoria is almost evident on others. Men go gaga over the latest- largest capacity- as- long- as- it- is- wireless gadgets. The lingo spoken amongst these guys is in a world of its own.
I could see that the women these guys walk in with ( ok, majority of them) cease to exist as soon as they pass the posted WHAT IS ON SALE THIS WEEK ad on the right hand side of the entrance. I have never seen men sprint so fast to get to the memory card adapter aisle as I see them in there. Women are left to fill their time perusing through movies, dvd and mandane stuff like printing paper, cameras and IPODS while their man run around hardly able to contain their glee as they hop and skip up and down the aisles surrounded by technical and electronic gadgets.
It is a sight to behold if ever you witness one. Try walking in one of these stores sometimes. The male of the species take on a different demeanor and character when surrounded by these doodads and thingamagigs, modems, sound cards,video cards, flat screen monitors and oh the endless selection of microphones, DVDs and headsets... phew! I think men morph instantenously when they near this place - you know.

Well, as for me, I have decided long ago that for the boys in my life as long as they are happy with their occasional visit to their "candy store" of choice, I am willing to go with them and even wait for them as they search for that illusive calculator, movie DVD or cable BUT I then should also be allowed to go to my own "candy store" of choice. I have stopped trying to make sense of the boys in my life's obsession with electronic toys and their drive to have them all. More importantly, as long as they can fix my laptop when it is down, I am cool with that.

So for a free afternoon matinee with grown men loosing their heads (just an expression) over "techno" stuff - I was wondering if I should suggest to management placing some recliner chairs by the HDTV, plasma TV sections some refreshements and popcorn, where manicure and pedicure would be available for a fee, while the women sit and watch their "grown boys" go in and out of aisles in this electronic store.

Oh now that I think of it, there are refreshments and snacks by the register area - they should seriously consider moving them to the entertainment section. It would make more sense there than where it is right now.

I might even drop that suggestion off sometime next week when go back there by myself as I pick up the concert video that I was looking for, just a thought.

And as a last piece of observation, I wonder if women ever thought of going to these electronic stores, this one store in specific and others in general.... to find themselves a man, you can see what they are really into before attempting to strike any conversation with any of them. These places are alot livelier than going to church, potlucks and bingo, blind dates arranged by well intending friends, and a lot safer than bar hopping and makes more sense than speed dating. My last single BFF just got married a few months ago but if she was not, this place is exactly the place I would advise her to go and "scan" some prospects.

Oh and BTW, I think I should really go back there soon, they said they will have the DVD of the last season of the TV series I like. Definitely on my TO DO List for next week.

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue