I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

..and the process continues...

Well, well, well. Did you all see what happened yesterday? I mean McCain choose a woman Veep. And an Alaskan Governor to boot, at that. Now this is the "shot in the arm" this race needed, something juicy and heartracing event like this makes the idea of looking forward to veep debates and preez debates more...exciting?! We will see...I almost had so much fun with the news yesterday, that I just had to go ...oh yeah,baby!! Obama or McCain, Biden or Palin, not sure but I wanted a woman in that mix in there somewhere. I have a "copla" months to think about it.
OK...next topic. I am going on a diet, low carb diet. Loads of fruits and veggies, strike the white bread, corn, potatoes (fries like chips are potatoes, I was told!), anything with crust and dough, breaded pieces of meat, desserts are OUT but low carb fruits are in, I must have 3x of that each day. Fiber, potassium and a tad bit of sugar (to avoid body sugar lows). My body was telling me it was time to loose some extra weight and salt is mostly the culprit since the food in BsAs are loaded with salt and for a woman my age, I retain everything except information for my brain.! The only consolation to the whole diet I am in is the fact that pasta (tad bit only and 2x a week only!) and butter are allowed. No margarine allowed. Olive oil is good. And balsamic vinegar rather than salt, can be added to make salad dressings. Meats are allowed but not in the evenings. No creamy sauces EVER!! Loads of water and no fruit juices, since Argentina juices are loaded with sugar in various forms. Rice is okay but 2x a week as well and never on the same day I have pastas. No carbonated drinks at night and no more than 2x a week as well. So far I have been on it for 2 days, my energy level is up, I am not lethargic and best of all, I sleep so well at night. I will keep you posted on this cleansing, weight reducing diet of mine. There is no real deprivation of any kind of food here, just management and moderation of things that if I eliminate from my food list I would crave and binge on. Not good, so it is an okay diet, for my body's need and considering my age.
Then...I would love to say nasty things about the "la vereda" that was dug up, some cable lines were run through it, cemented over and then now it is pending completion (uhuh!) on Monday, but....since it is from my ever so adorable Macri doing this, all is well and okay with me. Just do not leave that mess in there for another week, coz I would definitely send you an open letter, know what I mean, fella. Love and respect there!
Well, the weekend is here and I am excited about my diet and my walks and my work. Something good is happening for me in the future, I do not have a clue what it is but, I love being pink and happy today - so there.
See ya another day, 'kay? Take care ya all.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue