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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My vote goes to...

I have voted in the glorious US ofA every single time since I became eligible to do so. I voted for city mayors, council members, replacements for ousted council members, sheriffs, City Attorney, Senators, Representatives both state and federal and on and on and on....Oh I of course voted for several presidential elections in the past, I am honored to be able to exercise such a right. I value it close to my heart. I say that if you do not take the time to vote, you then forfeit the right to complain - and boy, do I love to complain. Think of it this way...if you want to look good (and people might just complement you on your great looks) you take the time to fix yourself. You vote, when things happen that you do not like, you have the right to rag, rant and rave. Simple really. Some people say, what is one vote anyway? And these same people state, that my vote does not count - I am an American Citizen and will wear the honor and distinction proudly. I vote for whom I want and for this alienable right I have no one but me to influence whose name I write on that (okay..to chad ) ballot. Now that I have said that, I am in a quandry as to whose name to write on that ballot...Obama or McCain?
I am a confessed Democrat. I align my political affiliation with the personal principles I have. I do not have the qualities prevalent and evident in Republicans. That does not mean I NEVER voted for a Republican - because I have. Local elections are not divided by party line but one tend to know which party the candidates are alighed with, you know. I would like to think that the political party comes in second to being an American and I vote for the best American for the job. I will try to do that again this coming November 2008.
There are certain things that happened this year in the Democratic Party (campaign and convention) that I did not like and cared for. I am disillusioned about what this Presidential election will turn out to be. The next US President will heal the nation after the wars, pain and agony of everyone red, white and blue citizen of the US of A, especially after the 9-11. There are droves of people and family who will never heal their wounds but at least hope for a President who cares and listens to the right people will take us out of the war and strive to better the economy because by golly, I might be in Argentina and deep in the trenches but the dollar is what we live on, and lately it just has not been good. I do not want it to be the same as before (do not like lingering in the past) but at least better the present circumstances of the economy and financial world we live (or try) in.
So,there is McCain, the Republican and all that being a Republican entails and then there is Obama, the Democrat that is supposed to defeat McCain and all the Republican's Glory and Pride it represents. I do not know who will get my vote. I know 2 other people in this family that will vote for (at least I think I know) one who will vote for Obama and the other one who will vote for anyone but Obama. Where does that leave me? I have read and heard (some) of the usual spiel, rhetoric, lies, blah-blah-blah of each party, but still NOTHING for me. This election lacks the excitement that I had once felt when I voted for previous Presidential elections. The choices are so limited and neither one I really want to vote for. Do I choose the lesser evil of the two? But how do I really know? Both are putting on their best faces. Do I go for the Political Party choice? Do I just take a dart and see whose name it lands on and vote for that person? Never done this in the past, but there is always a first time, they say. There has to be a better elimination/selection process than that, but so far it is just - BLEH for me or maybe more of an MEH (shrug shoulder included) feeling. It lacks excitement adn enthusiasm on my part and the last time I felt this, the Republican won
I do not like the braggadocious character that Obama has take since Hillary C. (was my choice, to be honest) is no longer on the picture. McCain, well I do not really know what he is talking about most of the time, but I guess it is more of the same promises to all of us just to get him voted in to office and then for the next 4 more years, more of the same pain and heartache because of the state of the country and the money affairs. I used to feel all the gaga about an important event like this. Not this time.
Now, let me tell you what I am willing to do, should Obama be able to talk Hillary C. (did I tell you she was my Prez choice) and get her to agree to be his Veep, he gets my vote. Hands down, no questions asked. Done, sealed (even Kissed) and delivered.
I know he would have no time to read this blog of mine (jajajajaja) but you try to think about it and think about some more. Imagine the Democratic "POW" power of that. I am sure Hill (my own nickname for her) can be cajouled and convinced to take the post (just thinking about such a ticket sent a jolt through me). I am thinking maybe not though - I think Hill will wait until 2012 and give this Prez run another go. I like the thought THIS Clinton woman behind that desk at the Oval Office.
And if Obama doesn't get her- he doesn't get my vote. There I said it.
Well, hold on, a minute, I am not sure McCain will it be for me, but I wonder if that Nader guy is running again. I should check out his website...will advise.
Go out and VOTE, you cannot afford not to.
See you at the polls.
Another day....

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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