I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Please do not ask me to explain the title of this post. Thank you. I will have to wait and see how often "R" reads my postings here for me to find out what he thinks about my confessions.
I am struggling here in Argentina to adapt and make a life with my "R". He is from here so "no prob" there, but for me, I do not speak castellano very well and it frustrates me to an unbelievable and indescribable degree. I do not tell anyone but I do not have the sense of freedom here that I have in the US. I do not have a car here. Again since my spanish is limited it is frustrating for me to take the taxi and go anywhere, I am not familiar with the streets. 2 points against me. Not that I ever kept score in the past.
For instance I always end up with something I do not want, was not what I was looking for, not something I want to do, but since I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings and cannot express my own sentiments I end up with whatever! And that frustrates the be-geezez out of me!!
My friends live all over the city and they have to make an appointment to see me because I have a store to run and business to attend to. Expectations and responsibilities I can deal with, now when someone demands of my time - that gets my skin crawling and I do not like that. Let us just leave that sentence at that. Man!
"R" has always been everything but the picture and actions of true love to me. I am here because of him. It says alot I know. The sacrifices I am making is unbelievable, it still makes me cry at night when I think about who I miss out there. But again, I am here for him.
The biggest fear I have is for one day to be so frustrated that I leave after all these years, pack my bags and ask for that last kiss and say goodbye. I cry every time I am very near and at the verge of that point. It is not easy being me and being here. But again I am here because of him.
This last week was an eye opener big time, there are things that are just beyond love and our control. I sit here and am having a difficult time putting my feelings into words ...I confess, maybe I have bitten more than I can chew. I am not sure what the problem is, so I am unable to even begin to imagine the possible solution.
This I know...after weeks for search I have found myself a spanish teacher! Ms.S is just the perfect teacher for me. She came today for the first time and I have a great time learning the things that I need to learn to start conversing basics coherent castellano. To "R" this is a personal decision of mine to take a teacher as a token of my promise that I will try to do all that is humanly possible to make this business grow. I am hoping my level of frustration will lessen once I can express myself to others, join conversations and answer questions over the phone.
About the other things that I have no control over, I will let you handle that. You have better judgement than I have, I know one thing only and that I love you. I do not need anything else, as long as I have you.
I hope to practice my castellano when you get back from your trip and correct me when I make a mistake, I have a libretita to take down notes. Ms.S. was happy to take me on as a student because she thinks I am doing it all for the right reason, to improve myself.
Ciao, and see you another day.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue