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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The more you learn..the more you forget....

I like my spanish teacher very much, but this post is not about how great she is but how much I have to memorize in learning a new language.
Oh, I love the spanish classes coz it is one to one but man oh man, the things I have to memorize ...is simply - ALOT! Just when I thought I have the easy ones down, BAM!, another one comes along and I totally black out on what I had just learned..ah..two minutes ago! It is a very humbling experience, I tell you. The decision to take lessons was my own, so I do not seek out someone to blame for my hmmm...difficulties in class right now. I believe in studying effectively and not necessarily studying hard or harder. I read and do exercise for my language class everyday,a nd I sleep with the books, workbooks, my pencil, my notebook, etc.
My brain is just gawd dang lazy now adays...(or for the last 20years). I have a hard time remembering what I had for dinner last night let alone trying to remember and use in sentences the conjugated verb "decir" (to say). Irregular verbs are the pits!
I do not remembering complaining so much when I was taking English classes in grade school, well complaining would not have done me any good anyways with Sr. Maria Paz and Sr. Lydia and the ever present, chair looming at the corner for punishment was enough incentive for me to take the conjugation and tenses as they are told to me. No questions asked.
But now as I am "older" (from grade school, I mean) my brain cells take a longer route to connect and make sense of the things I am reading and comprehending (okay, TRYING to comprehend). But you know, the best part about learning a new language is the part that I get to practice my spanish 101 with the people I meet.
Argentinians (those outside of Buenos Aires) think my accent ( I can only imagine how horrendous I sound) is "raro" and one girl even said "me encanto" to my intonation. I thought that was a barrel of laughs when she said it, but I do not give a care, I love to practice and so far everyone has been kind to correct me when I use the wrong tense or gawd forbid, I use the wrong word - happens alot, jajajaja....
But learning and being able to get the courage to learn something difficult and good, very good for you, gets me enraptured with this feeling of accomplishment. It provides growth both brain and attitude. It makes me see things in perspective. As to how I will fare in class today, let us see, I did my homework, have been reading my notes from the last 5 classes, practiced reading the homework out loud and then have my pen sharpened, I am ready. Bring it on!
Tell you another day what Professora Garcia will say about my performance today.
Oh, btw, I also have to do the "verbos pronominales..better get crakin' at that. Ciao.

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue