I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Questions and why we ask them

First I would like to say that I am on a roll here. I have posted 3 days in a row, that is a first for me I think and I love being here and connecting with the world out there. I am not sure who really reads my blog but so far I have had a few hits on here and I love to see new additional countries showing up as site visits - keep them coming.
Second, I have had not a bad day lately and I am so inspired to share my thoughts to y'all.
Third, I have this recent experience where in a barrage of questions was asked of me and I thought why do people ask questions, for real.
So the thought of increasing one's vat of knowledge answers the question of why we ask questions, right? Well, there are 10002 reasons why one would ask a question, to ask for directions, to ask for further information that could be life altering (doctor- patient) , to get to know someone better, to help in making an intelligent decision (mechanic, electronic store, make up counter) etc. But the questions I detest the most are the ones that do not seem to mean anything - like it was just an afterthought, or just to bridge a very uncomfortable silence. Because I try not to be mean I answered even if irritates and makes me very, very uncomfortable answering them. See what else I think about questions I have come across lately.
Here in Argentina, people do not give it another thought to ask me how old I am, and when I tell them my age - they say - you are not! - I mean why ask and then refute! Damn! Oh excuse me.
And then there are those that ask how much money I make, like if I run out of money they will cover my internet bill, HELLO!!! Where is the line of asking inappropriate questions drawn in here anyways. I have heard others ask very personal and private questions and I do not feel like answering them - so I say I do not speak spanish and leave it at that. I mean what business it is of theirs to ask these questions. I guess if you are sucker and answers it, it is your fault. My own father do not ask me these types of questions, the gall of some people to invade my privacy and then when you return the question they do not want to answer. Go figure! It is funny really if you think of it, in a pathetic way that is.
And then there are those that ask the same question over and over and over and over - well you get the point. What is up with that? Either they did not believe you the first time you answered the question (that person questions your sincerity) or they did not hear the answer they wanted; so asking you over and over again , you might just change your answer to the one they wanted to hear. HOLA!!!
And then there are those that ask the question just to be blatantly insensitive and rude - those I hate and tell them so. I may not speak enough spanish but I know some very salient words where I find appropriate to use, as long as it is out of my "R"'s earshot.
And again there are those who ask question because you know they are envious of you. I am sure you know the type , those that want to know if your stuff are just imitations. I laugh about those and I try to really rub it to them and tell them that it is real and you have had it for ages. Or a best friend gave it to you for no special reason -knowing it cost so much.
Well let us see, we also have those that ask questions because they already know the answer but tries to see if you know something different - phishers, I call them. These I hate with a passion, there is nothing nice about a sneaky inquiry. Ambush interviewers do this and I abhor this tactic. People who know the answers to their questions equals lawyers, and we all know where they are in the line of the food chain. I guess the lousiest part about this kind is that they are aware they are doing this and it is very leech-like in manuever, very detesting and it makes me very leery to the likes of this.
There are those that ask questions in a statement form, I love to humor these types. I just agree even if I know differently. A statement is a statement and a question is an inquiry and to mix both is hilarious, don't you?
Ciao, tell me why you ask questions and what you think of those who ask them.
Another day.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue