I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Customer Service ala "Joe"

Well, the best excitement I had today came a minute ago when I had to call the United States of America (USA) to renew a service provided to me. I mean, I knew I was calling the great company that I have learned to love and like sooo much because of the fabulous customer service. They hear from me once a year when I renew the said service they excellently provide for me but I am always happy to speak with them - yup, I said speak - when they help me go through the process. I mean the information, the manner of speaking, the clarity and the all around thoroughness of it, just marvelous. Now we get to the part about "Joe"...
Joe is a technician there and this is his name, really. I called a number to the main office because somehow I am not able to connect to their site on line. I am in Argentina so nothing surprises me on this matter - no connection and all that. So, as I was saying, Joe was the one who picked up the call/service when the main switch board forwarded my call to the appropriate department.
There I was spelling out my name and more security checks and balances, and then it occured to me that a certain kind of feeling comes over you (as a customer) when you get this kind of focused customer service attention, wow, I felt so special. So, on we went and tried to figure out first why I am not able to log on into their website ( this is a technical support question) and lo and behold I was told someone is trying to get in and access my site. Imagine that!! Little old me and my "other" website being hacked. I was promised the engineers of my website provider will get to the bottom of this and use all their might to prevent any hacking of any sort. To the wanna hackers - your attempts are hilarious in a sad sort and infuriating kinda way. My website is simple site, it is business of course but nothing of important of covert information in there. I mean give me a break! There is nothing there. And I am sure some pervert is trying to get to I do not know what with it! Lay off will you!
So, Joe assured me that in a couple of days an update will be sent to me on this matter. I have correspondences and read newspapers from all over the world and maybe a "worm" aka "virus" got in there and now I have the "flu". Darn it!
I am so glad Joe helped me. He was so nice and that was technical support - not the real customer service or sales department. Imagine that, service with a smile.
I am not saying anything about service or customer service here in Buenos Aires, that would be like comparing sweet luscious and crisp red American Gala apples with oranges - not the same caliber. There! But in fairness, customer service OUTSIDE of the city of BA can give the US some competition (not stiff but competition nonetheless).
Joe, whoever you are, THANK YOU very much.
I hope whatever bug that is tryin' to worm itself into my website, you squash it like the bug that it is, and if it comes from a third world country sort of bug, take a guess where that would be? Arghhh!
But it is inevitable coz it is part of living a portion of ones life over the internet. And I am just so fortunate to have Joe standing in my corner to help me out on this one.
Thanks and thanks again. You know who you are Joe and it was nice of you to help me - with a laugh and a smile. Good customer service jsut like Joe would service...it is a very, very good thing.
You want the best service provider for a website, email me, I'll tell ya! And tell Joe, I sent you
Another day...Ciao

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue