I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Friendship Week

Guess what? After yesterday's posting, I found out that this week is Friendship Week. Talking about timing, huh! I could not have timed this post better than when I wrote about seeing my friends here in Cali yesterday. Things do happen when they are meant to happen.
I am not really much of the thinking kind. I am more of the reactive thinker. I do not sit and seek out things to think about. The thoughts come to me, and sometimes WHAM! they just hit me when I least expect it. And lately, the WHAM moments have been leaving me long winded at most times.
Thoughts lately:
  • You experience something or someone in your life when you are ready to learn a lesson about life.
  • I might not be the right one for the one I love.
  • Love does not stop just because we do not see each other.
  • Distance does make a difference. It might not be the difference you had hoped it to be, but it makes a difference nevertheless.
  • Time will heal all wounds, but time is relative.
  • In the ends everything will work out for the best, I have to keep believing that.
  • To give you the best love I have to offer, I must learn to love and forgive myself.
  • I will cherish you for always.
  • Our relationship is not about you or about me, it is about "us". And without "us" there is no relationship.
  • Forgive me for I am imperfect. I apologize if I misled you to think that I could deliver a perfect relationship, I can't. I do not come close to the women whose high standard of love and relationships you know. But I still thank the good Lord above that he made me imperfect. I can live with myself better knowing that I live to better myself.
  • You have to have a whole heart for it to get broken. You can never break a heart that was already broken, the word for that is shattered .
  • I am struggling with forgiving myself.
  • Wherever all these leads us, remember we are friends. We should be happy for each other even if we temporarily do not occupy the same space and time.

Friendships are rare gifts. We have the priviledge to choose our friends. We care for them. We remain loyal to them and above all, we trust them. I am fortunate to have found some true friends in my life. The real friends I have found are the ones that do not want anything material from me, just to see me happy is enough for them. I have friends that never asked me to bring them anything from any of my travels, they get tempted but never ask for it. As much as it will bring me pleasure to do this for them, they never ask. Friends who wants to know if there is anything they can do for me, like listen to me if there is something that worries me - my eyes are sad they say, and they cannot be fooled by the big happy smile I put on or the laughter that never seems to come from the heart. Friends can read you and they read you well. Unconditional love, that is what true friends give us. They better our lives because we know them. They feed our spirit with a longing - and just to see them across the table over dinner or lunch, makes us feel that we have renewed the connection. We are in touch.

Friendship Week is just 7 days of every year to celebrate such love between people. But everyday is Friendship Day for me. Now that I know those who truly love me not because of what I can give them, or I have met their expections of me but because of what they mean in life. I have paused and thanked friends lately for just being there for me. I make sure that those that I am grateful for and appreciates me know how I truly feel about them because not to tell your friends you treasure them and their love, is tragic. And I do not like tragedies, my friends will just not put up with that.

Thank you to all my friends out there and for putting up with my nonsense. You all know I am there when it really counts; just like you are there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to listen to my ramblings and share my greatest achievements and episodes of happiness.

Friendship - if you are fortunate to find just even one in this lifetime, you are one lucky rascal! Keep up the good work. Happy Friendship Week!

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue