I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A funny thing happened on the way to...

I am here in Buenos Aires, it is freakin' cold out here! Oh did I mention it is winter time here? That explains the heavy jacket, undershirt required or layering of clothing and heavy socks under boots kindda attire but anyhoo.... The flight out of Cali was on time and I had the great pleasure of sitting next to a very nice young man mid to late 20ish, he works on boats. The working hands sorts gave him away but the Bulova watch he was sporting on his left right blew me away - nice. Very soft spoken, had a very conservative grey colored ipod, nice shoes, white shirt, beaten jeans and very clean and nice green (faded) jacket. You can only get to be so lucky sometimes to have a seat as nice as this Philadephian. Very nice.
Then there was the stop over in Texas. I love the airport, the food and the people are mostly nice. No negatives me here, not today anyway. There I had an early dinner and headed to the appropriate gate, walked around a bit, browsed around some more and then decided to just sit and wait it out (the flight). So I chose my seat carefully and then amongst all the stories I can tell I will tell the one about a family of 4, couple with their 2 daughters, they were taking photos and then as the father was backing up to frame the picture, he looked back and he saw me sitting there. After he took their photo I asked if they wanted me to take a photo of them all four. They were so happy to get a group photo. They thanked me and I continued on, and so did they. Two minutes later, they were calling someone and asking that person if they had received the photo with all four of them, they mentioned that a lady took it for them. I had done a good deed. I smiled.
Then as we were all set to go, on time and not so full plane - off we went. The first funny thing that happened was when the flight stewardesses were serving salad and they were passing a tray to the kid to my right, seated by the window, the incident gave new meaning to the word tossed salad coz the lettuce were flying all over the place. I was no amused! To think I could have had lettuce on my head - not funny!!
Then the stewardess had to reprimand someone who after numerous announcements NOT TO STAND UP because of the turbulence, someone did, and that person was hollered at!
Then getting off the plane because of the swine flu incident or precaution, there was an extra form to be filled out, a masked to be put on and then a line to be followed that took you to the heat sensor camera. It was like sci-fi movie was unfolding. I do not know if you remember how geeky and weird it look when people used to step out of a 3D movie wearing those goofy glasses - it looked like this except people were wearing masks.
It was funny....Oh and I had a runny nose, sneezing for a day after I got off the plane. People are so inconsiderate to sneeze right at you and cough without covering their mouth. Argh! I hate that - sorry but I do. So there I said that - funny stuff happens and a couple happened to me on my way to BsAs.
So far after a good night's sleep and medication/tea I am better.
Tomorrow I know it will be even better.
Medication you know...can't write anything of great detail ...yet.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue