I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This moment is the only thing I know I have for sure.

My brain is wired differently, I am sure. As a woman I go through random thoughts, unfinished trails of thoughts all through out the day. Some are suspended ideas that I do not come across again until days later. But one thing I know, every time I draw a breath and I exhale, I know for sure and with utmost certainty that this moment is the only thing I know I have for sure.
In advance I would like to apologize to all my friends out there that have noticed a considerable amount of change in me. I think differently now, and I am not sure if that is a good thing but it is a good change for me. I do not like detailed planning anymore. Control does not have a handle of me now. I know I do not have to micro-manage every single detail of every single day. It is liberating. I think my face, skin and my spirit shows it. The only headaches I get now are from noise pollutants (radio, traffic, crowds and the like).
I breath with calmness. I exhale with pace (I sigh less now also).
I for one do not want to age quicker than I should. I even abhor the phrase age gracefully, hey I am going to fight this aging thing tooth and nail if I can help it.
Maturing on the other hand I will embrace wholeheartedly. One is never too young to be matured in thoughts and action. Humility comes with maturity. Courtesy is a character of maturity. Growth is the benefit of maturity. So I am all for maturity.
The following are my own quotes, I did not copy them from anyone.
There are things in life I have found out recently that did not matter much to me a mere month ago or so:
  • If someone is of great value to you it is best to see that person fulfill their purpose even if it means sacrificing what you want for that person.
  • Who I am is of lesser importance than what I might be.
  • Each moment counts for a lifetime is all but just moments in time.
  • It is when I let logic rule that I forget about my instincts. My instincts never fail me. It is the only thing I know.
  • It is when things are perfect or seem perfect that I start to worry the most.
  • Uncertainty is the soft voice from within me that tells me something is not right.
  • The hardest decisions I have to make are the ones where I already know what the decision is.
  • Love is alot like life, it is unfair, not easy, and can be darn cold sometimes yet it must be sustaining something in humans for it is still popular than ever.
  • Crying from the heart is what keeps me from implounding or exploding, either way it is one way my body regulates pressure.
  • The truest of all love is the one that you give without expecting anything in return, not even a kind word or gratitude.
  • Real integrity is doing something right and good without another soul knowing about it.
  • Pray for your friends but pray harder and more often for your enemies, they need it the most.
  • No matter what happens, if it was meant to happen it will happen because there is a reason for it, like there is a reason for everything - even if at that moment we are just not wise enough to know what that reason is.
  • If you can give love a chance be willing to give change a chance.
  • Anything worldy is never permanent. The best things in life do not take the physical form.
  • I seek not perfection anymore, so I just strive to see imperfection perfectly.
  • The best years of my life are still ahead of me. The biggest dream I have is yet to be fulfilled and I will get there. I am already changing the way I think.
  • If you plan an adventure way too much you miss the great scenery on your way to your destination.
  • Sometimes to find oneself, you have to get lost.

I know that this moment, I breath, I exhale, is the only thing I know I have for sure. I seize it.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue