I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


   Good morning.

   I love the sunny days but by golly Holy Mary and Joseph! Isn't it Autumn already? I mean what gives? When can we go around wearing our boots? And what about the autumn fashion that I had so deliriously anticipated about? Will I ever have the chance to wear my biker black boots again? Urgh!!

  Oh well, it has been warm lately. I mean H-O-T! So we stick to our summer wear and an occassional light cardigan for the evening. And it does havoc to our skin. At least my skin..I am perpetually dry skin (face) and I need moisturizers as soon as I wake up in the morning, before putting my make-up on and then again slathering some moisture rescue lotion in the afternoon and then again in the evening. I have discovered that moisturizers are not made the same - what I use during summer is a no-Go for autumn heat now winter cold. I have to switch products as soon as the temperature either soars or drops. How exciting is that? I have not only to pay attention to what I should wear but skincare is of utmost importance. Let alone making sure whatever I put on has SPF 15 or more. Sun damage is never in fashion!

  So here I have found what is best for me. I am sharing because I am not oily faced nor combination nor normal skin. I have dry skin and if the "canvas" is dry when putting makeup on..it can spell disaster for my desired look for the day. I have blotting when sweaty and touching up conjures up images of women putting makeup on in public - never a pretty sight. Just not appropriate I'm saying.

  I use Garnier because of its longevity and effectiveness on my skin. I love the texture - never greasy. And when it says results in 24 hours - you betcha - it gives you supple skin and hydrated firm skin within 24 hours. Then you have to mix it up a bit.. I used both of this and as you can see I used up the one in the jar, it lasted me 25 days and one more day to go and I have hit bottom of the jar. I am now on the Moisture Rescue Lightweight UV Lotion and I am loving the hydration. It feels lightweight and never eeky now "too much". My skin just drinks it all up. Leaving me with smooth and "relaxed' skin on my face. I love these Garnier products. Do not get me wrong, I love other products but FOR NOW, and all these wacky weather, this is a life saver for me. If you have dry skin, flacky after intense exposure to heat/sun try this and let me know. Grape water extract is a good source of Vitamin E and they threw in some apple extract in there as well, now we all love that. Natural.
I hope I have helped someone in making their skin "breathe" during this horrendously warm Autumn of 2012.

We hope to wear the boots sometime next week...have fun. And let me know how these products had helped you as much as it did help me.

See you tomorrow..another day..

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue