I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, October 8, 2012


   This is my Ode to Sister.

   I guess, being a Filipina girl at heart has a lot of things to do about my desire to have a TRUE friend and a sister rolled into one. Family is very important to me. And the truest (to the nth degree) when it comes to friendship is like nothing other than a sister can give you. Almost like looking in a mirror and she shows you the REAL you!

   I do not have a blood sister. What I have is a "Sister", both in spirit and heart. What we lack in blood relations we make up for in our indestructible connection, the invisible ties that bond us together. On matters that really count, she has always been there for me. I might have not been all there for her on her toughest times, but I am with her now. This sisterhood, defies explanation and supercedes any friendship, I have ever established with anyone, past and present, both in blood and non-blood relations.

   I first met sister in high-school. She was the "mother hen" to our click of seven girls. She was smart and her heart has always been in the right place. She values honor, honesty and family. I have an affinity with her; when she and I can talk for hours and never notice the passing of time nor the fact that we never ever ran out of things to talk about. We love to recall things that had happened to us as little girls and had shaped our young minds. I love to read, she loved to read. We watched the same shows on TV and talk about it some more.

  I will not bore you with the details of our high-school escapades (though it makes for a very good read, one day..) but we never really lost that bond we established years ago. I went to college and she left for the bigger city, so to speak. We lost touch but she was always in my mind and even more so, in my heart.

  I have heard years later that she never sold me out. What I mean by that, is that, when guys would ask her where I was after I graduated from college, though she knew, she never told. She was aware of what was happening to me, she never told. She never lied. She always wanted me to try and spread my wings and see the world for what it truly is. I will forever be thankful for her on that.

   And with a family of her own, she is a career woman now but family and church is always important to her. I am finding out now that though I had strayed from that path, I am back on track. Thanks to her. Prayers do change things, I know that now.

   High school best friend. A friend is not someone whom you know the longest but the one who came and stayed true to you and never left your heart. She is better than Santa Claus, she knows when I have been bad or good and when I have been naughty or nice. We have lunchdates now. We talk and laugh on the phone. We send each other pictures about everything and nothing. We cry together and we scold each other. We always respect the fact that we are adults now and advises are only given when really necessary even if at times unsolicited. Our love has stood the test of time. There were those that wanted to tear our sisterhood apart (jealous ones) but we know each other's guts almost that we do not get easily swayed by gossip. We talk things out ad nauseam at times. But we keep each other grounded. She gives me space and I give her the space she needs.

  I love the time she asked me for blouses. She never asks me for anything! So when she did, the following day I was there, designer and non-branded tops and blouses in tow. She loves them all. I notice her favorite colors. And I surprise her with little things here and there. And she does the same for me. Silly girl.

  She hates it when I lie to myself. She calls that to my attention. Her best gift to me ever, is her kind heart and willingness to listen to my endless heart talks. She ask about the people that matters the most to me. She loves them all. Even those that she has not met in person yet.

   We share secrets. I tell her things without meaning to because she can read me and my thoughts (almost). I also know when she is feeling low and I try to cheer her up. We giggle about things. She is my sister because she keeps that element or a piece of childhood and innocence in me forever alive. We are so much alike yet we are different as well, and we balance that together and we have a great sisterhood. I want no more friends. I just want my sister, God's gift to me and remind me that HE never wanted me to be alone.

   My Sister's name starts with the letter "R". She is the a strong person because of her faith and that can only be a very good influence on me. I look at her and see what fulfillment she gets in praticing how it is to be humane and living the christian life. I admire her. She is a fighter and she a believer both in love and life. She tries to see the good in people. But she can cross you out her friend list as well, cross her once and it is next to impossible in getting to her good side again, now that is what I love about sister.

    She reads this blog and I know she will get all emotional on me, but I want her to know that I appreciate her, value her and love her. She is a gift and for that I will nurture and be there for her. She keeps my feet firmly planted on the ground as I gaze up in the heavens hoping to reach for some stars.

    I could have not survived my tough summer of 2012 if it was not of her. She was quiet as I told her things, never judging me. She listened. I was not blessed to have a sister in my family but GOD found a way to bless me with a sister, nevertheless. And I am blessed.

    I count not the years we were not together and but I trasure the minutes that we share together now. I never believe in coincidences. She was meant to be part of my life and I, of hers.

    Sister, forever is a short time for us to be silly girls at heart, but we try to make each moment we have coffee and cupcakes, sleepovers, shopping, lunches, phonecalls and all that count. Thank you for being the best sister a girl can ask for. You are wonderful.

     So, get out of bed and go to the clinic already! Hahahaha..

     See you soon....


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  • What makes a family?
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