I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Moving to Buenos Aires...

As I prepare to take my first "baby steps" in starting a life in Buenos Aires (Argentina), I would like to begin this journey with a big "thank you for your support" to my porteno, R.

I have made several previous trips to BsAs in the past, I enjoyed every single one of them. I learn new things each trip and I hope to carve my small niche in such a large city. My porteno's family and circle of friends are all supportive of this. I will not go in to personal details but I believe as I tread my way through the hustle and bustle of such a humungous city, I will have some experiences that would fun and not so fun. I will post all of them in here.

I come to a city of very passionate people, that much I know. Everyone seems to have strong opinions about everything and everyone. This would be an exciting time of my life. I come with an open mind and an eagerness to be a part of what my porteno loves. That alone is a big part of why I am moving from one country like the USA to Argentina. Well, if truth be told, I will take baby steps like I said. I will live there for a few months and then go to the US for a few months and then back and forth again. I am fortunate to have him and his support and love.

Let me tell you this, some really funny posts are up ahead. The open letter to BsAs drivers was a true take on what I had witnessed as I was there. Do not get me started on lack of good customer service - that always gets on my nerves. But so far nothing really outlandish and brutal inferior customer service has come my way -so if it is just so-so, you will not hear or read about it in here. But when something atrocious I experience or witness, trust me, you will read about it here!

In the next few weeks I hope to make the first baby step towards living in Buenos Aires, please join me in one of the most thrilling adventures of my life. BsAs is so big of an experience that I would want to share it. And like any other blog in the internet, I will reflect my own experiences and will not throw aspersions and judgements to the people of Argentina in general but focus on happenings on a case to case basis. So lay off the nasty emails...

Argentinians I have met so far are very nice people. An occassional "I do not really care for that Arse" come my way but you find those anywhere. I am looking forward to meeting more very nice Argentinians and partake in their culture and traditions - all in the name for my love to my own porteno. Personally, I am going because I am one to never turn down opportunities to see the world. What great fun, huh?

If you have questions, just go ahead and write. And I will try to answer them for you, but please note though that it might take me sometime to find answers to your BsAs related question since - I do not speak Spanish that well. I told you this will exciting.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue