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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Talent....others think they have it. Huh!

I have taken a glimpse of all the "reality" shows on TV and boy oh boy, what a mess they are. I know they are all over the world. Take the American Idol for example - people who audition in there actually think they can sing. Cripes! Have you heard them belt out some of the tunes that they call singing.
Regardless of Simon, Randy and Paula - that is for another posting - but these people really believe that what they delude themselves as noise coming out from their mouth is called singing. I am sure - for it to called talent - it has to come from a Higher Power and that you as the instrument and vessel of such talent will nourish it and take voice lessons - if you so desire to be a singer. OMG!!

I really thought the days of Hung was over. When he sang that Ricky Martin song a few years back the tune was familiar but for the life of me, I could not understand one freakin' word he was saying. Is that /was that singing? I do not think so.

Oh I do not sing because I do not want to offend anyone but I know good music and talent when I hear it. Barbara Streisand, now that is one God-given talented singer. Celine Dion is another one that tops that list. Johnny Mathis and Nat King Cole now those are talented singers. If you want some more time relevant singers, you have John Legend, Sting, Coldplay front singer Martin. You hear them sing and you hear something pleasurable and awe inspiring. Remember when you hear someone sing you close your eyes and just savor the words and the melody? That is singing with beauty.

It never ceases to amaze me how people would come on TV and embarrass themselves like this - in quest for their 15 minute of shame. Puleezzzz!
You know you have laughed and laughed hard at these poor people and how "stupid" they made themselves look on national TV - and shows like American Idol though there is a winner at the end, we go through the tens of eardrum piercing, headache inducing noise called auditioning. Stop it all ready! I cringe everytime someone on American Idol sings of key and I turn to the remote and put it on mute, because let us be honest here, we are horrified to hear this! But since it brings a laugh we keep coming back.

I am not sure we really would want to broadcast these kinds of "aspiring and wannabe" britney spears or the new madonna. We have those people already - why imitate - don't they want to be originals? And oh and by the way - American Idol was a ratings show in the past, but I think they are loosing steam. It's not a novelty act anymore and thank god if that show stops airing.

I am embarrassed for those people who thought God gave them talent and the truth is - for we all know He did not! Next.....

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