I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, May 21, 2012

There is a gardener inside everyone..

Gardening is such an addictive endeavor.

I plant for a living. Really, I plant things to grow and then make my living out of that. This is not new to me or me to it! So when the "project" of creating a garden for R was undertaken..I jumped into it with full heart, both arms and legs!! I am loving everyday of it. The photo above is a collage of the blue flowers that I would never find in my neck of the woods, and became my inspiration to start off this project.

The snapdragons are bright and sturdy..I love it! On the foreground are the basils that R likes (he used some yesterday for his roasted peppers, mozzarella and basil with olive oil salad - fabulous!!).

Geraniums and a yellow rose are also in the to-be planted list. Exciting!!

Here are some thoughts and lines that I have learned about gardening...
  • "More grows in the garden than the gardener's sow' - Spanish proverb
  • Water to plants are like "I love you's", the more you do it the better the results.
  • A wise gardener anticipates June in January.
  • As a gardener, I learn more from my mistakes than in my successes.
  • I practice my optimism when I tend the garden.
  • Patience
  • Like people, plant respond positively to the extra attention.
  • Cultivate the garden within.
  • Notice how plants that are about to removed have a habit of suddenly doing better?
  • Gardening is a way of showing I believe in tomorrow.
  • I bury my troubles by digging in the dirt.
  • Hope never dies in a true gardener's heart.
  • Cares melt away when you kneel in a garden.
  • Adam and Eve were in a garden, where it all began.
  • So many seeds, so little time.
This afternoon, I spoke and visited my neighbors backyard garden to check out their cherry tomatoes that are in full bloom and have fruits. I need the tomato trellis. She is so kind to show me her plants and give me gardening tips.
 I even spoke to a lady who bought roses at the nursery as I was buying more herbs this morning for R's herb garden. The bond between gardeners are unique. And the veteran gardeners can spot a wannabe instantly. I had to pass the two question test. Luckily, I did! .It can be a very interesting verbal exchange as one stands in the check out line.

Non-gardeners are just gardeners that have not taken the time nor invested the sweat to grow things. Such therapeutic activity can really be good for you when you want to believe in the things that is more than yourself. Gardening can be loads of fun.

Planting can be laborious and outright tedious at times but seeing them do better the next day is the reward in itself..and them comes the fruits and the herbs..wonders of nature.

I will take more photos of the garden tomorrow. From zero life to what it is now..I love it! I will share the progress with you.

Spring is close and summer is almost here..the sun feels great in the morning as I water these plants, pull out the weeds..and the best thing is, I will get to do it again tomorrow. Life goes on.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue