I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

..Thoughts that did not make it to post..

Hi y'all everyone. It is a crisp, clear, sunny with a slight ocean breeze kinda day..I am loving it.
Today, I am finally turning the page.

Let me list some of the "printable" thoughts I had that did not make it to post here: Enjoy!

..."Gosh, I hope I can pull this off. God, I hope so!"

..."I love his smell before we go to sleep at night and how he tastes when we   wake up first thing in the morning".

.. " I did not do anything to deserve this!"

.. " I believe in having options; planning was never my strongest suit."

... " You cannot disturb the balance of things in a relationship and not pay the price somewhere down the line in time."

..."..there was some innocence lost, you know.."

..." Hating the woman was never an option. Hatred is not in my family value".

..." An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded" - Pope John Paul II

..." I was shocked that it did hurt more than I thought it really would."

..." I was taken for a fool". So trusting, so naive..and now what?

..." He makes me laugh, he opens doors for me, he whispers my name so ever softly, runs his fingers along the back of my hand - it tingles, he brings me bars of chocolate, gently strokes and kisses my hand, he closes his eyes when he kisses me, presses his lips on my forehead, tightly holds my hand with our intertwined fingers, caresses my arm and gazes into my eyes with such deep, sincere love and affection ..." That is how my R has always been to me and what is there not to love in that, right?

..." With all things considered, I will not go down without a fight! No way, Jose!"

...." He will remember what happened here, for he saw what it did to me and almost brought the end to us. He will remember. I hope he can forgive himself as well." We won't forget but we can forgive. And for now, that is good.

..."When something as beautiful as what R and I have is within our hands, we have to honor the gift by taking very good care of each other, together or apart..it is a testament to the devotion we have for "us" more than the "you" or the "me" in it.

... " The bigger my capacity to love, the deeper the depth I will have when I get hurt"...

..." I will still sing and dance like no one is watching and love like I won't get hurt"...

..." We must be doing something right, because we are still together.."

..."I live for the happy days. I just need to find some peace amidst the stormy rain.."

..."I will not define him by what happened. He will have to do that himself. No one can teach him what lesson he must learn in that; all I do is stand here,next to him, turn the page, try to take the next step and be the G that I have become after all is said and done.."

..." When something happens it is never by coincidence but by a stroke of luck or God's way of checking on us if we still have our "eye on the ball"..."

..."Even in the darkest moments of our lives or when we are under fire, we must never forget to be gracious and thankful.." Class and proper breeding never goes out of style.

..." You cannot teach fidelity. But you know what infidelity is when it hits you.."

.."Beautiful days are beautiful days..we smile, we grow, we cry a little, but never loose sight - beauty is from within and go with that".


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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue