I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Allow me to introduce you to Samy...

I think I have pretty much established that I am in Buenos Aires for the next few months or so and there is one person that I think as THE ULTIMATE DIVA, I am happy to be able to avail of his services.
Let me start this post by saying that I am a shoe person. I love shoes and at my age, since I tend to look for my accessories first before choosing my wardrobe for the day I tend to take care of my shoes with utmost care. Looks are details, and details are everything!
I have mostly high heeled boots and shoes; flat shoes or ballet slippers and I do not go along very well. So when I find a pair of shoes that fit me so well, I hardly say NO to it. And most of the time I get them in all available colors. So it pisses me off when I hear women's shoes go " tok, tok, clack, clack, pac, pac, pac and tucudok, tucudok....
I am one of those people who can tell if the sound the shoes are making is due to stubby heels, or no heels left, or the nails are now exposed and worst is if the heel is uneven - ARGH!!!
Sometimes, I think every woman should know a SAMY - my cobbler. He not only fixes my boots BEFORE the heels are stubby, or glues the soles when it starts to detach a bit and others, he also takes very good care of them. I am drawn to shoes that require extra brushing and shine - or other times nubucks require the spraying to bring it back to its lustre life. Samy - does that for me.
I want women to find themselves a SAMY. Shoes are not inexpensive, sometimes they cost as much as a genuine designer purse - even more.
Today, I woke up to the tok, tock, tok sound of a woman coming home from a night of partying and her shoes has announced here arrival 2 blocks before she hit my street below. And the sight of shoes that are just about to fall apart, speaks volume about the wearer. Shoes are so reflective of the person wearing them. Sometimes, I see a woman who wears very tight shoes - that says something about her. I also see women wearing shoes inappropriate to the rest of her dress ensemble - that too says a lot about her. I see shoes unmatching purse, I see shoes that are so dirty I feel like handing the lady a piece of tissue just to brush some of the dirt off her shoes. And yes, women who wear shoes so pointy ( there are pointy shoes and there are POINTY shoes!) that I tend to think about them as elves shoes.
Oh yeah and an abused pair of shoes can be dangerous. One can slip off the sidewalk should the exposed nail in the heel area hit a wet slab - BOOM - wham, your cabooze on the side walk.!
I do not get it that women buy cheap shoes - you have such lovely pair of feet and you squish them into cheapo shoes. I think women around here with all the luxurious leather floating around - shoes can be accessible and more comfortable - but why they punish their feet, I am always in wonder of a plausible explanation for this kind of buying habits.
Shoes, just the thought of them make me want to take my knee high boots and wear them with a nice long skirt.
Gotta go, need to look for that ankle length boots that I think I left boxed at the back of the closet - need to wear that before the weather really starts to get warm..
Til another day...
Ciao for now.

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Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue