I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

"Everything happens in front of Circle K"

So today, I felt a whole lot better. I started early. By 10am I already had my coffee I was set to go to the grocery to get my shopping for the day, get my Buenos Aires Herald newspaper (tabloid format). So I was pretty much set.
I started working on taking measurements of the bags I will be showcasing in the store. And the spreadsheet for my inventory was coming along fine.
"R" paid me a quick visit and he left. (More about this on tomorrow's post.)
So I decided to have lunch with a glass of grape juice. I was reading another newspaper on line when the batter icon showed up on the lower left hand corner on my computer - I thought - now what?! I tried to log back on and now an "X" showed up on the wireless connection . Does not sound or looked good, I thought. And then I checked the lights - NONE!. I tried the bathroom light (different cicuit route) NONE as well. Then I headed to the hallway - tried the elevator light - NONE! Oh uh! Then I heard voices going up the steps - no one ever takes the steps - well except this exceptionally fit 60 year old lady who lives 2 flights up my floor.
So 4 second after I closed my front door, the firetruck siren comes blaring down my street. Wooh ! 8 firemen comes out donned in their Policia Federal Argentina firemen's outfit and does 2 doors up from my building. By this time the people across the street have all gone to their respective balconies to look at what is happening on my side of the street. I cannot see anything of course - and then the fire truck parks right smack on the middle of the street that no buses can pass nor cars. With an emergency like this -car drivers - you guessed it - HONKED!
It was funny in a "HA HA" kind of way. SO typical of the argentinian drivers to be concerned onoly of themselves during such a distressing moment.
Oh well...it apparently went well (whatever the calamity was) for after I took some pictures of the firetruck and firemen, and the congested intersection one block away, the firemen came out took off their outfits and had a quick huddle. In the midst of all this a supervisor looking guy comes up and gives the guys a pack of Marlboro - and he had the audacity to LITTER on the street. It was a bad ending to an otherwise very nice story of rescue and time response and outcome. Oh well...like I said.
Oh and BTW, I saw my "Capuano" guy come out of his house for the first time. It was a thrilling moment for me. I was pretty sure he saw me. He knows I know, that he knows I live across the street. It is a voyuerestic love affair, I think. I am sure "R" will not mind my saying this. He know about my "Capuano" and he is fine with it. As long as he looks and I look and that is all that there is to it, I am sure I am fine. You want to know how I know he knows, he was standing behind a sign to obscure his face so as I was 5 stories high in all black outfit with a large blue earring on can obviously see him if he stepped away from that sign - but he did not. And when he thought I was not looking he walked back to his building - and I saw him - shoes and hair. It was was a rare opportunity. Almost liken to a "Yeti" sighting. I know he is there, I have seen him, but have not actually seen all of him - UNTIL TODAY.

Thanks to the PFA of Argentina!
Ciao for now. Another day...The flowers in my balcony are spectacular I will take pictures tomorrow and post them here.
See you then.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue