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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

"I really do not need to know...."

Cellphone. The very word can conjure up all sorts of anecdotes and facts. The portable/mobile phone AKA cellphone has been a great resource. I just wonder how we ever functioned without them. I guess we did but isn't it cool to be carry one and just flip that cover and dial and in 2 seconds or less you can be calling someone in anothe continent. Cool - is a word that best describes this gadget. Love it!
The down side of course is you get to be a slave with such a gizmo. The thing rings when you are having a meal - gotta grab it - someone could be on fire and instead of dialling 911 they call you - YUP - that kinda emergency is what I am talkin' about.
I mean - for real! It is a convenience for me, I am not enslaven by it. I mean we are not brain surgeons nor are we really holding lives in our hands that a simple ring of the cellphone warrants us to drop everything and anything we are doing. No matter who it is, there is voicemail feature on such a thing. Give it a break already.
And for business, what possess you that you have to get this call just in case it is someone whom you have been trying to get a hold of for days now and yet this person whose call you are going to take this very instant - has not bothered to call you or returned your calls even just to tell you what the delay is. And for those who talk endlessly about business this and business that - you make yourself seem important, I hope it works well for you! C'mon!
And I am sure those who have never heard of cellphone etiquette ( let alone know what etiquette is) are those walking around the streets of Buenos Aires, talking oh sooooo loudly on their cell phone. Given I have the bad habit of talking louder than really necessary AT TIMES, but I am conscious that I should lower my voice down, for as "M" had told me, these gadgets are microphone sensitive and there is really no need to shout at it.
My beef ( funny choice of word really considering I am in Argentina) is with those who talk about their medical test results, what specimen they had to give, and all that very personal - yucky stuff..I do not need to know about them - really. Keep it to yourself..puleeez!
And then there are those who say they are at a doctor's office over the cellphone and obviously they are freakin' lying coz they are standing in line in COTO! Hellooo!

Then there is that lady whom I can hear her voice all the way up here in the nth floor of my building's balcony. ..what you had for lunch...I do not need to know really - nor do I want to know - REALLY!
And then there is this other cad, who has obviously just slapped that fake (cheap and hideous) toupee (men's wig) on and says what a good looking guy he is - half laughing ( I am 100% puking). I do not want to know - really!
And the cellphone makes you accessible every second of the day - who wants to be chained to something or anyone like that?
I can understand an EMERGENCY - life, flood and fire urgencies but otherwise, it is just a bother. People use the phone for all sorts of crazy things. They check up on their kids this way. They check on their spouses this way. They want to know what you are doing this very instant. HELLOOO?!?!
And I see people standing in line in COTO talking on the phone holding up the line as he has to take this call, BEFORE he takes his money out his freakin' pocket to pay the cashier. No wonder the cashiers in there are cold and indifferent to the REST of us, non cellphone answering while in COTO line public!!
Use a cellphone to call a RADIOTAXI, a fire truck, an ambulance, your mother's doctor to ask for restaurant directions, to tell someone you will be running late - shoe strap broke! Some thing same like these but just to blah blah blah....I really do not need to know.
And for christ sakes - why do people who drive - answer the phone - WHY IS THAT? Do they want to kill themselves or want to kill someone -we are talking driving and holding the cellphone driving in Buenos Aires - how freakin' scary is that. I know you were a juggler in you previous life but please be responsible and not talk on the cellphone as you drive. It just gets crazy. Let alone people who drive and text - PLS have mercy on the rest of us. The look at me I look important while I speak on my cell phone announcement to the rest of the world is no longer COOL - it was uncool the moment you had to let go of the steering wheel to change gear. Coz if someone gets killed by a cellphone talking, BsAs driving motorist...and it is someone I know..I really do not want to know.
Be responsible and not answer the cellphone when you are in BsAs and driving.
I promise I will not drink and drive!

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue