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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mexican Food best eaten only in Mexico...or somewhere in California

I am sure to those of you who know that I am in Buenos Aires would wonder why I would eat anything else but Argentinian food when I am here, right?
Well, the truth of the matter is, when one is used to variety, you will constantly look and long for it and the diversity and surprise it can bring you when you have it again, is beckoning you at all times - same goes with food. Just because I am in Buenos Aires does not mean I should and could have Argentinian food every single day - how boring is that?! I am one who hates to be limited to do anything - let alone food.
Well, this topic bring us to a family dinner we went to ( all eight of us) last Sunday evening. In the midst of the whole day of drizzle and a sudden change in venue of where we were to gather and eat, we were told of a Mexican food a few blocks from the original sight of rendevous.
I am not one to drop names (especially oif bad restuarants, but if you much know send me an email, I will tell you!!) so let us just say this restaurant was supposed to serve Mexican food. Boy, oh, boy! You know when you had your first kiss and the boy said this will be good...and three seconds into the kiss you are waiting for the "this is the good part?" , well this restaurant was more like that.
Oh, given the menu was Mexican sounding and all with all what appears to to be "Mexican like" in the preparation , what we actually would end up having was all the surprise element, so to speak.
In our party of eigh, there was the guy's table and then the gal's table. The boys had enchilada, for appetizer, the girls had a salad (moi) and 3 appetizers of chicken and then both tables had fajitas (combo of beef and pollo) - the tortillas were very disappointing - thin and made of flour, we did not even have the choice of corn tortilla. And most hideously, I got a Nacho Salad that was a total disappointment. For the first time in my entire experience of Mexican food and I have lived close to Mexico and have been eating Mexican food longer than anyone else on either table - that was nothing at all close to what I had expected. Nacho Salad does not include, every, red beans! The cheese was cold and stiff and they were generous with the four pieces of triangle nachos they gave me. OH MY GOD! The tres leche pastel was so sweet and the meringue that topped it was egg white with sugar syrup beaten to stiffen it and served as topping to the cake. NOT! Mexico never used sugar syrup to make meringue.
I am sure the fajitas were good the boys ordered 2 orders and flautas - what a joke!! - a cylindrical flour tortilla - empty and devoid of stuffing with bitter lettuce topped with crema acido ( cream cheese with added vinegar to simulate sour cream - NOT!!). I guess, Mexican food is never authentic unless you get close to Mexico.
California is as close to Mexico as one can get to getting good Mexican food without stepping into the Mexican soil. I pity those who live here in Buenos Aires and Argentina who never had the chance to travel to a place that serves Mexican food - REAL Mexican food - because where I was at last Sunday - was nothing at all like Mexican food I have known about. It is sad that those that are here and frequent that place will never know the real flavors and taste of Mexican food.
The best thing about Sunday was nothing about the food ( though I came home hungry) was the great company and fun we had with the family we were surrounded with. I had so much fun talking to the girls at my table that bad food did not count enough to devoid me of the great gathering. I came home with a happy heart and I made myself a sandwich and coffee and went to bad. It was a great evening.
I am sure "R" is reading this, and to him I say, remember I had a nice time with the group. And that was what mattered.
The food was something that really did not work for me. Of course, I can always have Mexican food when I get to Lourdes' place - thank you for the dinner and introducing "M" to the girls and I had a great time with the girls as well. Do not worry about it. I am sure we will find other good places to eat in the future. We move on. OK?
Ciao for now.

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  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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