I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Shortage in coins...

After a couple of days of enjoying my hearing- is- finally- back days, I am posting something that for the first time has finally affected me directly - SHORTAGE en "monedas" or coins a notoriously known phenomenon in Buenos Aires. I for one not sure if this affects ALL of Argentina but it is rampant here in the city.
Today, I got up early to go to COTO to buy "stuff". I was going early to beat the Friday crowd. Well lo and behold, it was fairly empty alright, have not long lines to pay the cashier - but when I got there to pay, I paid and the girls asks me for 25 cents. I told her I did not have any - and guess what - SHE SHORT CHANGED me 25 cents!!!
I was not in the mood to fight because it was early in the morning - but could you imagine if I got on the bus and told the driver I was 25 cents short. Do you think he will kick my ass for that?
COTO is a big business and they do not have coins? Impossible- you would think but that is a fact.
There are several theories going around about this "shortage in coins". It is a staged and calculated manipulation of shortage. I am not here to give suggestions but I felt jipped about that whole thing.
I will still go to COTO, it is the only store around here and I will still end up at the cashier that short changed me - but next time I will come in 25 cents ready- or she will see a glimpse of HELL when I give it to her - thick and heavy she tries to short change me.
I always am a forgiving person, I did not say anything this time - DID I? So next time she would know not to mess with this person right here. Even if my spanish is not that good, I am sure she can see hell and fury when she looks at my face, if she ever considers shorting my change next time.
There are thousands of people out there with the same problem as had today and COTO just chose to short me as it benefits them. ( I shake my head here!).
But you know, the world would not be better with just the 25 cents that I was short changed on but her efforts to pay me with at least an attempt to find coins would have made a better impact on me and the trickle effect it would have had on all the people around me - what she did to me affects the rest of the people I meet and interact with today, I truly believe that. So far she batted ZERO.
I am sure I van give here the25 cents I just choose not to be a good willing person for the rest of the week, my exact change to her action to me. Blame me - think again - I after all did not start this. I could not change her attitude and indifference but I sure can control how I act - and I choose this way - it is a choice and I have chosen . Like it or not.
Ciao. Must be an interesting weekend.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue