I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Thank you for the comments and emails

For awhile in the past, I have received some very sweet comments from readers and other bloggers about previous posts. I have decided then not to post their comments. Others, I did but that was on the latter part of 2009. Others I kept because they were personal in nature. I love each and every email I get from readers and fellow bloggers.
But I would like to keep my blog to stay on the lighter note. So to those who email me thank you so very much. I treasure each email and/or comment I get. I promise to post the comments starting 2011, as long as they are for General Patronage in rating.
And at times if I am unable to log-in into my account (work, you know) I cannot publish then ASAP, but I will make a point to publish comments.
You took the time to read my blog the smallest thing I can do to show my appreciation is to publish your comments.
Thank you for each and everyone of you.
For those that stuck with me, all the way back since I was in Argentina, USA and now...Hugs to each one of you.
I will try to post some nice photos for you.
But sometimes since this is a diary-in the making, some posts can be personal in theme, I will understand should you not want to stick it out with me - really!
Thank you again from the cockles of my heart.
Ciao...see you tomorrow. Something new will be posted tomorrow. Watch for it!

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue