I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Airconditioner/Heater is installed.

Last Thursday I posted that Jose (names are changed to protect the true identity of Jose) came to give an estimate for the installation of my airconditioner/heater unit.
I am tying to be truly positive here about the experience, first of all, he came highly recommended. I am sure he is, but his assistant is not. Let us just count the ways how this experience could have gone better but let us start with what went right...Nobody could ever accuse me of being biased when writing these posts (unless otherwise specified)...
What went right....
a) he showed up on time ( in Argentina, this is close to a miracle)
b) he came prepared with the brackets and hose covers and his assistant
c) the installation was completed in one day.
What did not start right...
a) to install something in a place higher that oneself, hoisting a heavy object like an airconditionere - one would think a ladder would be one of the tools the installer would bring - NOPE! We had to search for the portero in my building to "borrow" one. I am not sure what this is all about but he is not the first "worker" we hired in Argentina that shows at a jobsite WITHOUT a freakin' ladder and expects us to provide one - unprepared? wait there is more...
b) My place was (no bragging here) spectacularly painted when they walked in the door. They nicked, chipped, scratched, dirtied and stained spotty areas around my condo. ARGHHH!
c) THEY SMOKED. I do not mind smokers...as long as they do it in their space and NOT INSIDE MY CONDO...I did not have an ashtray so I handed them one of the china cup with a chipped lip - something I was meaning to throw away anyway. I was glad I did not have drapes up yesterday.
d) The job started at 10am and lasted until 8 freakin thirty at night. "R" and I were told until 4pm but we had caught them on endless cigarette breaks several times when we walked by the condo. I am sure they saw us, coz each time we would come in they would be working - but 2 minutes ago they were on my balcony having a nice hit on those cigarette. ARGH!
e) I had dust all over the place! I spent the rest of the night cleaning up.
Take anything that you want from this blog entry. It was not the worst of days, but it could have been better, oh well...
And these guys were supposed to be the best, could you imagine what the worst are? I shudder to think. Well, that is out of the way..in a day.."R" will get the extension cord and we can hook this baby up. Oh, did I tell you they just installer, regardless if it works or not - yup - that about sums it up. I am not crabbing really, I am DIVA-ing! A recommendation should be with high regard - this was an utter disappointment. I can count the great experiences I have had in BsAs and each time they come my way, I cherish it like anything God's green earth can give me FRESH. I close my eyes and thank the GODS!!
I remember recommending something to a very close friend and I thought, if I make a mistake here it could cost me my friendship and as much as I would like to be helpful unless I am so freakin' sure about who I recommend, I would prefer to not recommend anyone unless he is s smile short of spectacular, know what I mean.
Sorry "R" but if you are reading this, as much as I love you, you know the installation could have gone much, much better, right? Thank you.
Well we live and learn, all I can say is as long as I have you, I have everything I need.
Ciao for now.

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue