I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today is Thursday..airconditioner installer came to give estimate

Looking for somebody to do something for you in Buenos Aires is a very precarious proposition ( notice how I am trying my best to phrase this properly). Most of the time people just do not just leaf through the yellow pages and pick a name thinking the guy should have a license to do his trade and anyone is as good as the next. WRONG!!!

First you must be well connected and have a list of reliable network of friends. People who like you, not people you JUST know. It is by high recommendation that you hire a person to do some work or another for you. First of all, your friend will not recommend just anybody - he cannot afford to loose a life long friendship over a lousy plumber - no way Jose. He will give you the name of the very guy who fixed his cabinets and in this case installed his own airconditioner in his brand spakin' new house.

Then you try to call the guy, with the phone number and name that your friend gives you. After a few "I will call you" and "you can call me anytime" kindda phonecall, one or both people will loose the phone number and comes in THE ULTIMATE DIVA who keeps everything -including the piece of paper with the AC installer's phone number to the rescue. Then we continue to set a date so he can come to my place and look at the AC and the location where it can aesthetically be utilitarian but will make the place still look nice. So a few, handshakes after his initial arrival , this time he is on time, knowing that you friend reminded him how important you and you time are, he points and points again, and says this is how we plan to do it, and more pointing. And then comes the price and time frame, you have to ask or else they do not volunteer these kinds of informations. So he says in one full day and price is OK, no inexpensive but for the price, I am sure "R's" friend will say the price is reasonable for the good work this guy is going to do. Then he shakes my hand and tells me, it was nice meeting me - thank you- thank you. I say the same and off he goes.

Easy for those who have an "R" in their lives. I could not imagine having a conversation like that with this person in the next 6 months, please need I remind you I do not speak a lick of spanish. Stay focused here people, Yo no habla espanol. k? But I am catching up, not fast enough but Iam getting there. So I understand most of what he said. "R" said we need this kinds of cord and this tube, I say OK and lo! and Behold, I will hopefully have my heater/AC installed on Thursday.

Painless and easy, again , you have to be THE ULTIMATE DIVA to have a special "R" in your life to get this going and pull something like this. All I have to do was stand there and decide if I like what the proposed end result it, and YES I DO.

There, next Friday I would have the low down on how this came down.

I wanted to write about the new bakery/pastry shop "R" took me today, but I do not think I am ready to share yet. Let me enjoy it for the next few months and then I share. Thank you for understanding.

Ciao for now. I had a splendid Wednesday night, if you were wondering.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue