I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

when will I ever speak spanish - castellano spanish...

I am in BsAs unlike some devoted, dedicated I want to learn spanish person, I am doing my spanish immersion (ja ja) by going on with my everyday life. That is the extent of my spanish lessons.
To expect much after just spending a few moments of each day with a sentence or two and here and there, words even hardly sentences at all - cannot possibly provide me the resource to practice my pititful spanish vocabulary.
OK, well I do speak some very very limited spanish to get by, but nothing story telling quality. I read my how to speak spanish book but I always end up going to sleep after reading a few pages, even when I am seated down, so I have decided to read in bed - knocks me out like a 100mg valium. I can save on sleeping pills but my program to speak spanish suffers.
"T" occasionally teaches me spanish, when we read the paper together. He is more patient with me in going thru the details but sometimes, I cannot understand basic Argentina words - and that frustrates me. Oh well, we keep chugging along...
"R" is my all time protector, he wants to serve me everything - he knows I am DIVA bless his heart but sometimes, I need to get my hands dirty - jaja - hands I said not fingers - figuratively speaking. I would like for him to teach me more spanish but considering I like to read and do my learning in bed - that might not be a very good idea at all - spanish speaking wise that is.
I will stick to the book for now and give it another 2 weeks and then start venturing on my own. Talk the silly spanish that I know and I am sure people will correct me and try to understand me, and I will laugh about my errors more than they would. So if people ask me where I am from - I will say BELGRANO - that would give them a laugh.
I havenot given up on the quest to learn and master (50%) at least this language. I love people here and I would like to talk to them - in their own language. This is their country and I should make the effort to learn it - just like those that go to other countries and learn that country's language. I should do the same. I am doing that. My commitment is here, I hope to succeed.
Wish me luck. So off to bed I go to read my spanish book again...should it get quiet in a few minutes I would probably be sound asleeep.
Caio for now.

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Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue