I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A quickie in the country...

As I was typing the title, it could mean two things really - and it is not the first one you thought of- SORRY. I was getting ready for a slow day when my "R" called and we were to dash to the country for some expected delivery. So in ten minutes he was at my door and I was holding the phone trying to figure out where the heck he was in all that melee of a traffic downstairs, I see him and as I put the phone down I head to the elevator pressed some buttons and down I went. PHEW! I know when he is in a hurry.
We were, HE WAS, driving faster than usual. Try telling an Argentinian to slow down when he is in a hurry. It would be like telling a bird to not fly. He listens, but does not do it. It is OK.
So we head to the country in less than 30 minutes usually a 40-45 minutes drive. 120kmh was registering in the speedometer, I do not even care to look a second time after I saw the needle hit that the first time.
So the delivery guys were there, very very nice and efficient. I love this furniture company we are dealing with they are just EXCELLENT both product and service.
So they delivered and in the furniture came. Then they were generously tipped for the great patience and service.
"R" and I decided to hit the local panaderia our fave, but they were closed. Well the one next door was open. In we went, they had everything we needed and some ( fracturas ). Service in this countryside store really makes their city counter part pale in comparison. People here in our little piece of heaven are REALLY NICE and smiles readily. Love this place.
So we ate at home and laughed and relaxed. Then we sat outside and took in some nice sun and breeze. We watched the neighbor's workers build a swimming pool, we thought they might have dug a hole to bury a corpse or corpses; but we thought that was just our imagination gone wild. We had a nice time watching the birds dig out worms. Some meaning conversation happened and "R" was sitting there looking peaceful and serenely happy. It was a pleasant sight.
So off we gathered our stuff (dried laundry) and I found the item was I was desperately seeking. Thanks for asking. But off we went to the car and headed back to the city. Again the Argentinian driver in "R" kicks in and we weave in and out of traffic. I swear to GOD, when I drive in BsAs I will not make it my life's mission to scare the daylights out of everybody. Speeding at 140kmh like that BMW did that passed us,as if we were just standing still, was to say the least, made me think of how crazy some drivers are in here. Some, I said some, ok, I did not say ALL. So lay off the nasty emails.
There - a quickie is as always, fast but good while it lasts. The trip, I mean!
Ciao for now.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue