I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The final countdown...

The packing has taken a backseat in the last 5 days or so because the heaters, at the place where my stuff are, are off. Not that I did not want to turn them ON but I do not know how. It is too complicated for me, I guess. I leave it at that.
So for the next few days I will be rabidly packing to make up for the 5 or so days lost in packing. I will put on my blinders and dedicate my time and thinking process in making sure the boxes will be ready in time before I actually have to leave. I cannot leave anything by chance.
I hope I will have the same fervor I have in me, when I lost my momentum due to the heater not working. It was irritating and got on my nerves but what can I do? Really?!
So I have all the boxes - check. I have the 2 suitcases to start packing what I have in my "other' residence - check. (Mental note: I will need to pack MY stuff to take them to where the boxes are!) I will have to decide what I WILL NOT TAKE - check. Magazines I need - check.
Well, the final countdown in ticking. There is no looking back past yesterday's point. I am looking forward to being able to DO THIS packing and finish it!! I will not be distracted. I am hoping to have some time for myself to look for items on my father's wishlist. Some of the stores that I am hoping to buy these items from are either low stocking them (aka "we do not know when we will get more or if ever") or the store has closed. I was surprised about the leather store I like that closed; but the economy and retail sales in Buenos Aires is catching up with what the rest of the world is going through, painfully I might add.
So the final countdown goes something like...tic, toc, tic, toc.....

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue