I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Possible reasons why as a woman I can never make it in Argentina

I have this plausible theories of why I am wrong for this place (Argentina). I have observed and noted that there are common behaviors amongst women here that I see and speak with on a regular basis and I think there is some credibility to some (if not all) of my theories. Here it goes (remember this is just tongue in cheek!)....
  • I am not hysterical enough
  • I do not text my boyfriend several times each hour "Donde esta?" (where are you?)
  • I am not angry enough
  • I do not get angrier as the hours of the day pass
  • I am not thin enough - or at least not starving myself to be thin enough
  • I do not smoke to curb my appetite (to be in the I-want-to-be-thin diet program)
  • I do not know all the cosmetic surgery terms
  • I have never had Botox done (at my age? the horror!!)
  • I do not have a therapist/psychologist that I visit every week or whose number is in my speed dial
  • I am not insecure enough
  • I am not afraid to be past my 30s
  • I actually know who I am or has the sense of self
  • I smile to everyone
  • I wave back when someone waves at me - even if I do not know them
  • I say "Hola/Hello" to everyone that is anyone
  • I say Good morning/good afternoon or hola to my peaje person
  • I look at guys straight in the eyes!
  • I actually have a say in what I like and do not like
  • I am too much of a free spirit to be told to do anything
  • I do not think every guy is nice to me just to get me to go to bed with them (isn't that like being conceited or full of yourself - I am not that!)
  • I have my own set of jewelries that I love and treasure
  • I talk to everyone that will talk with me - in my broken and uniquely accented spanish
  • I pay attention when I am driving
  • I make a point to sing (CDs) to cut the stress factor when driving the autopistas
  • I thank everybody even if they are rude to me - I always say "it's their problem".

I can think of others but for tonight you get the idea. I like the fact that I am not from here. I can see how different I am and I love being different. I would not want to be just like the next person here, I stand out and in my book - it is a very good thing. People tend to remember me - and isn't that what a woman is all about? Being remembered long after you have left the room. Now that is me. Cheers!

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue