I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Today is Thursday...

It is still cold and breezy 50plus km. outside of Buenos Aires. When it is cold in BsAs, it is even colder here. And when it is warm in BsAs, it is also warmer here. I guess being out in the open spaces does that to the temperature outside. Have been loving the nice weather these last couple of days. But I give you this - it drizzled yesterday. It was a nice showering here and there though.
I have also learned that a high school friend of mine went to California but alas I was not there. She was just 2 hours drive from where I would have been. Argh! You know sometimes "the stars are not aligned" to make things happen the way I would want them to, and that is life - so be it! She is Arlene and I always loved here in high school. Our fathers, were grade school and high school classmates like we were - and we loved and ate up all the stories both our fathers told us about their escapades. We never told our own stories - now if those walls could talk, man! But when I am in her neck of the woods we always go out to dinner. She is a teacher, and a great mom to boot! She is a surgeon's wife. She is so down to earth kind of person. She can also be so strong - just like me. I guess that is why we are very good friends. Her father passed away years ago and my father attended the wake (one night) but could never gather the courage to attend the funeral - it was tough to let go of life long friends. My father still recalls those good times with his friend, and I am so fortunate to be listening to those stories still.
Arlene is visiting family and friends (hers and husband's) and I would have loved to have shown here my "playground". Maybe next time - I am sure she will feel bad I wasn't there to be with her - but she understands but yet it is not the same, you know?
I will seek her out again when I get to her "jungle". She is a text message away, as she always says. And we both loved to drive when we were in high school. She had a car but I always had my Jeep - sweet high school memories. ...I love thinking about these warm thoughts on a Thursday when it is so blistering cold outside, keeps me all warm and fuzzy - deep, deep inside. Oh yeah, and Arlene was also a great basketball player - she knows a cousin of mine who is also a basketball player - awww...the stories I could tell about those championship matches ...will save some for another cold evening.
Thanks for keeping me company you all! Take care and see ya tomorrow.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue