I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A very quiet Fourth of July 2009

Aside from a very tasty lunch that I had there was not much happening today.
I am in Argentina and with the Swine Flu going around I have been avoiding public places with loads of people. Safety first, ya know!
So no barbeque or visit to the embassy or anything. I am at home, nice and warm after a good shower with a good cup of tea next to me.
I was packing today but realized almost all of the things I need to box- are boxed! I would need to take somethings to where my boxes are to pack MORE stuff.
Today being slow does not mean it was without excitement - I did but would rather not talk about it since all is well in the end. I am a worry person and am still shaking that part of me. Sometimes I just have to let things slide off my back and not get so worked up over nothing I have no control over. Really.
I was planning on a quick trip for a weekend to Rosario. That trip would have been a 4 hour drive from BsAs or so, but because of all the Swine Flu going-ons, I am re-thinking this trip. But maybe I would go and see what the big hoola-baloo is all about. We'll see.
So the 4th of July 2009 though without fireworks and no barbeque and coleslaw salad, I had my own piece of excitement, glad this day is almost over.
I am liking my daily drive to where I am packing. And to think that tomorrow I will be there again with another nice lunch waiting for me. Gotta love the positive side of life. Coz if I just think about the crazy things that are happening to me - the Panamerica sounds about a nice place to go for a walk.
I will be here tomorrow. You betcha!

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue