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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Hiking the Appalachian Trail..." , yeah right!

Well, I finally am going to write my one and only blog about the sad excuse for a Governor Sanford, I will write this just to get it off my system.

I am still being fed some very funny lines (and not so funny ones) about this, so I will share.

  • "Hiking the Appalachian Trail" will now be a phrase that will be used by philanderers whenever applicable.
  • I never knew that the Appalachians will take you all the way down to Argentina. I need to update my Atlas.
  • He went to Argentina for the good wine. C'mon it could be true.
  • Jenny is prettier, a whole lot prettier when his political war chest became increasingly clear that it was in jeopardy.
  • Jenny is the one that is trying to save his political career. What irony. She is the one making the pleas to give Mark a second chance, like she is doing for him.
  • He is whiner, I can give you that. What a wuzz and a complainer! He sinned and then was sorry only because he got caught. Looser!!!
  • For someone who had Presidential aspirations he was thinking with the wrong head (I was hoping for the one with the brain in it!) now he can kiss that dream buh-bye.
  • He should apologize to Mr. Bill Clinton. During the impeachment trial of the latter, the Gov here is what we can now call a hypocrite!
  • But isn't being a hypocrite a requirement to be in the GOP? That explains alot.
  • I thought the song is "Don't cry for ME, Argentina"? So was was HE crying? Oy vey!
  • First he should have told us WHY he was apologizing or maybe he thought we wouldn't notice. Oh, puh-leez...
  • Wonder no more why The Gov just did not send Maria a ticket to just come and visit him in SC, here it is - for the law in SC states that he can be charged with adultery if they commited the habitual adulterous carnal acts IN South Carolina. You gotta give the Gov some credit for that.
  • Think of various definitions for.... "He pulled a Sanford".....
  • You lay with the dogs, get ready to get up with fleas.
  • I have no sympathy for a loosers like him. They always know what it is they are doing. Father's Day and he was with his mistress, that says alot. If parenting is of no importance to him (obviously) he will remember this moment again the day his kids throw this back at this face. And they will, they always do.
  • Men like The Gov Sanford are so typical of those who want to have their cake and eat it too.
  • Why would you want to be with a man who has to tell lies to be with you? Why would you be with a man who has already committed to another woman, his wife? Do you know that homewreckers are never looked kindly to? Some women are never ladies to begin with.
  • Love Story - this affair was called by The Gov. Doesn't he remember the McGraw movie? She died in that.
  • Or maybe The Gov came to Buenos Aires to audition for Evita. He has the hand movements and tears down on cue.

OK, so those asking that I at least do ONE blog on this topic ( and not pretend it never happened), here it is.

I just think that this Gov is so lucky that MJ died a day after his revelation. The lucky snake! Do we even remember the Gov's first name?

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Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue