I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"All my life...."

I credit writer Jane Wagner (I love her for her work with Lily Tomlin) for this piece of truth..."All my life I've wanted to be somebody, but I guess I see now I should've been more specific".
There is nothing like a quick dose of cold water splashed on you when the thought occurs to oneself that ..what if, what I am now is all that I will ever be. I shudder to think that.
So, I have finally resolved that before the end of 2009, I will live my life creatively.
There are some ideas I am ruminating over and I think it can be feasible. I have not been this excited about a project for a very long time. I believe I am on the right track. I just have to pace myself this time and then see where I can go with it. I can imagine doing this so I am sure I can make it happen and do it very well. The odds are on my side this time.
And as Jane Wagner suggested, I will be more specific about what I want. I will own my dream and will work very hard to make that dream come true. I aim to pump life, vigor and color back to the creative side of me.
In a few months time, most likely before the end of this year, I hope to get back in here and write about what I am doing. I hope not to jinx it by talking about it in detail at this time. But it will be great and I am sure I will love it, no doubt.
And like any opportunity, I will look past the doors that are closing for me and start creating some myself. No number of doors or windows that are presented before me would equal those that I create myself. I love the thought that I will again be re-energized and I will devote most of my time and effort (besides my day job) in making this happen.
I am one who never subscribe to the sentiment as wasteful as regret. I am who I am for what I have been through, good and bad. And that also includes all the chances that I let pass me. We are all about the choices we make (and NOT making a choice IS making a choice!). But I never regret anything. Ever. Nothing.
And this time, no more excuse. The best part is I still have the rest of my life to be good at it. I will grab my dream by the horn and let that take me soaring to the endless blue skies.
Have a specific dream. Wow, what a concept!

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue