I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Believe it or not...

Let it be written here (and it is) that a wonderful thing happened to me when I went to JUMBO today. I would even dare say - excellent customer service was accorded me. Hope springs eternal!
Well it went this way - I left the house...okay we skip that part!
I was at JUMBO 52km or so outside of Buenos Aires, and was there to get some cleaning supplies; I got most of what I needed except one - CIF Oxy Gel ( a special formulation of a solution for cleaning tile floors). There were just none where "they are supposed to be". So I happened to see this young gentleman (had a clip board and had a jacket that said - JUMBO) walking down the end of my particular aisle. I approached him then said hello (hola in spanish...jajaja). I also greeted him good afternoon( buenas tardes) and then proceeded to tell him what I was looking (buscando) for and where I was looking for it. He went to the same spot where "it is supposed to be" but NADA. So without batting an eyelash, he goes to get me a CIF Oxy Gel from one of the promo bags - I mean WOW!! I have never seen anyone at JUMBO - well anywhere in this country's supermarkets go out of their way to give me what I really wanted. He was very nice and nonchalant about it, which made it more real and sincere. I mean it was short of having some sheath of light coming from the sky to tell me this was an aberration or that I have been punked or something (candid camera, maybe?). I thanked him maybe thrice - I should not be shocked when I get the kind of service I deserve. I think the young man only reacted the way he did because I was cordial and nice to him and he reciprocated with exemplary service. That young man had self worth and he knew what he can do and extended great customer service, I mean it was really a WOW moment for me.
There was was standing in line to pay and I thought to myself something I almost forgot, there is still good in very little things and I felt good about the encounter. I saw how what he did made my day even brighter.
Whoever is the owner of JUMBO should be very proud that amongst them is a person that has not only the promise but the clear potential to take their company to new levels - a change worth taking - for one happy customer is a returning customer. Conquer the supermarket one happy customer at a time.
No matter what they say about JUMBO now I am a convert and I am returning. I am a patron now.
Next I see the young man I will ask him his name - he was not wearing a name tag today and I did not want to appear "cougarish" by asking him his name.
It was a nice day. It was warm all over.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue