I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The best gift I ever gave my Dad..

Tomorrow being Father's Day and all, I thought I would write about my father.
Growing up in a family of mostly boys, I loved the fact that I am the apple of my father's eye. There are some benefits to being the girl in the family. Father's Day was not that popular of all the commercial celebrated days in my neck of the woods. But I have learned about since grammar school days and always made a point of giving my Dad something on that day.
I remember coffee mugs, pens, drawings and other things. And as I got older, I gave him photographs of us together (framed of course!), I remembered digging some very old photos of me less than a year old and I got that framed and gave it to him one Father's Day and he loved things like that - I recall him telling me the story about the photo even. Sweet....
And now, I give my Dad just about anything at anytime of the year. I see something I think he will like I get and give to him. He likes that. I something I know he would want, I get it and give it to him. That elates him. I guess, of all the things I have I given my Dad, it is the most simple of all things - I tell him I love him every chance I get, or sometimes I just call to say HI and remind him that I love him - in case he forgets :-)
My Dad is the loveliest man I ever know. He knows me so well. He understands me like no one ever does. He forgives me before I can ever make the mistake. He lifts me when I am down. He tells me like I am 6 years old to eat better. He makes sure that I am good and that I believe in myself. He tells me that I have to be true to myself. His love is so unconditional that he asks no questions but gives hugs all the time. he has never spanked me or raised his voice to me, but when I was growing up I was scared of incurring his wrath, even if I cannot even begin to imagine him having it in him. His words are wise, and I listen intently everytime he tells me one of lives lesson. He has instilled in the capability to love those that even do not know what the word even means. I can close my eyes at night and even if he is thousands of miles away from me, I know he is close to me more than ever - he is always in my heart. He is the one that keeps me holding on to the very faith that at times have failed me - or so I thought.
My Dad just like all the other little girls in the world who had the best dad on eart would say - I have the greatest Dad in the entire universe. And I love him for that, just being that my Dad.
What was the best gift you ever gave your Dad?
Happy Father's Day!

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue